You Picked a Fine Time to Post This


I used to post every Monday.


Blog Schedule - sig


Then I switched to Wednesdays.

Sundays were open for the occasional Thought Bubble.

Pfft. Occasional. That’s funny.

Point is, I had a schedule. It cut down on the stress of blogging. (Anyone who blogs, no matter how much they love it, knows there’s a certain amount of stress that goes with the blogging territory.)

You have a day or two or whatever and that is when you post.

Your readers know when to expect you. It’s what you’re supposed to do…

But that’s not why I did it. I had specific days I posted because it fit in nicely with my schedule OCD. I liked it.

But I don’t have a prompt or a series.

If something interesting happens in my life, I write about it. Sometimes, when the scheduled day comes along to publish, it’s not relevant anymore. So it sits here. Wasted words. Such a shame.

What if…? No…


What if I posted whenever I felt like it? *gasp* Besides potentially annoying readers, what harm could it do?

I decided the answer was “none”.

So, at least for now, I’m posting whatever day I decide to write and hit ‘publish’.


Watch out. The Lemon Shark is going to show up when you least expect it.

Writing that just made me feel queasy. Also… free.


My Sunday thoughts in 200 words or less.



When do you post? Do you post whenever you feel like it? Do you have certain days? Do you ever deviate from your schedule?



52 thoughts on “You Picked a Fine Time to Post This

  1. Lol. Bravo that woman. Post whenever you like.

    Only one point though – just because it’s not relevant to that second of your life – doesn’t mean the words are wasted – I just scheduled up for the next (almost) 3 weeks. so what I’ve written won’t be relevant to what I’m thinking in 3 weeks but it’s still useful – just post post post Brentyn. Or schedule and post. Whatever We just all love ur words. Don’t u dare waste em!

    Liked by 4 people

    • True…but the nature of my blog makes it difficult to schedule posts. I have a freewriting style on here. It’s about what I’m going through at the time. I also often refer to seasons so it would be odd to talk about the falling leaves in the beginning of spring. Your blog is perfect for schedules. You have info on writing that both helps others and is of interest to you. So you can write them whenever and they’ll still be relevant weeks later. I need to work on writing some more “evergreen” posts.
      Thanks. ❤ I try not to waste words so they sometimes wind up in a tweet or a flash or reworked into another post.

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  2. Yeah go on, ruin our planning why don’t you! Actually go girl, is the appropriate response, isn’t it? I’ve kind of got into the habit of a daily post which is tyranny in itself only it isn’t because I enjoy it. I think. Except when it feels like a chore. Which it doesn’t. Except when it does. I’m going to have a lie down.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Yes, I’ve carefully constructed a diabolical plan to crumble the schedules of fellow bloggers. You do have a daily post, usually, but it’s because you want to post not because someone told you you’re supposed to. I guess that’s my point. You enjoy it. 🙂 Except when you don’t. Yes, go lie down. I’m going to as well. You’re making me dizzy.

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  3. That’s what I do…and it’s a wonderful way to manage it! Sure, there is always a little bit of stress about whether people will get bored with Me and go somewhere else…but I’ve learned:
    I’ll post when I want to.
    And let them read when they want to.

    💛 good morning, Sarah! Have a great day!!!

    Liked by 4 people

    • True. People do read when they want to. They don’t read the moment you post. (At least, most don’t.) There’s a RULE that you must post on the same day(s) each week or else you’ll annoy your readers or whatnot but, if they’re reading your blog whenever they can get a spare second, I suppose it really doesn’t matter. ❤ #mast

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  4. I used to be a once a week kind of blogger. Then I went to twice a week, now it’s most days, but the only ones I have scheduled are my Wednesday Wander and Thursday Doors (and I sometimes miss doing the door one). So basically, I just write when I feel like it! 😀 Never thought of doing it any other way… Hmmm.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Ah. You participate in blog hops/prompts so, obviously, you have to post on those days. I’ve been meaning to do that and have been looking into the ones I’d like best. Love your ‘door’ posts. I digress. I like that you write whenever you feel like it. If it works for you… 🙂

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      • Thanks, Sarah. I do like to do some of the challenges out there, but only the ones that appeal to me. And even those I don’t tie myself into, as sometimes I need to take a week off and concentrate on other things 🙂 My Wednesday Wander is the only one I try to stick to, as I came up with it instead of doing Wordless Wednesday – I’m not very good at being wordless 😀 And the door thing sort of started by accident, as I realised I do take a lot of photos of doors, so Norm’s challenge was right up my street, so to speak. However, like you say, you have to do what works for you, otherwise blogging becomes stressful (at least I think it does).

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      • Ooh! I didn’t know you created Wednesday Wander. I love those posts. I didn’t stick with Wordless Wednesday, either (I don’t know why because I love taking pictures). I am feeling the love here for blogging when you feel like it. ❤️❤️❤️ Let the stress go…


  5. I think that’s a wonderful thing to do. Posting when you feel like it and have the time can be freeing. My problem is, though, that I tend to get distracted easily by other things and then my blogging frequency sides. So a mix of scheduled posts and posting when I feel like it/have something to say seems to work for me. So I’m going to get back to that. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • Since I wrote this post, I’ve realized I do like that mix of scheduled posts and a few whenever I feel like it. I’m going to try that for a bit but do think I’ll keep my Sunday thoughts. Or not. Eh. Not sure. It does feel freeing. I also understand how keeping to a schedule would help make sure you post, though. Time slips away…

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  6. Because I currently have the luxury of time compared to most people, I do try to post at least once a day, usually two. This creates a certain level of agitated stress, but I am one of those people who are dead-line driven. I don’t know to what degree if any my bipolar and anxiety disorders play in it, but I can’t focus and crank something out until I’m under the gun. [Moreover, if I kept myself to one post a week, then I would probably keel over with anxiety and self-loathing because I would convince myself it had to be one the greatest posts of all time and I sure wasn’t going to accomplish that.]

    Liked by 2 people

    • You make an excellent point here. A lot of people might certainly feel , if they only posted once a week/month, that post would have to be absolutely fantastic. I’ll have to pay more attention to that as I posted once a week. Did I put that kind of pressure on myself? I wonder…
      Also, yes, a lot of people work well “under the gun”. Not so much me. But a lot of people.

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  7. I usually try to post about 3 times a week. Anything more is too much for me. I almost always post on Tuesdays. But if I have nothing to say, or if I haven’t finished reading a book, I skip the post and wait until I’m ready. I have definitely mellowed out about the schedule, but I still get a little antsy when I think I should be posting!

    Liked by 3 people

    • That’s a great attitude. You want to post on Tuesdays but if you “have nothing to say…” you skip it and wait. Instead of stressing out, you wait. So you do have a “schedule” but it’s not something you’re going to push for if it’s not ready. Sounds good. (Except the antsy part.) 😉


  8. I look forward to reading your posts regardless of when you post because I get to them in my own time – as soon as I can, which is sometimes later rather than sooner. I have semi-flexible guidelines for writing and publishing my twice-weekly posts. I like to join in Charli’s flash fiction challenge which needs to be posted by Tuesday evening my time. I often find this a challenge as my weekends are generally busy with family and I work Mondays and Tuesdays for an employer. I usually have to scratch a few minutes for connected thought somehow in between. Sometimes I may be ready to post by Monday evening, sometimes not until Tuesday. I rarely miss but fear that sometime soon it is about to happen. I also usually post again on Friday or Saturday but, like you have decided to do, try not to stress too much about it. After all, it is a schedule I have set for myself. They’re my rules and I can break them if I want. I have decided on the schedule because I think that without it I would find posting anything difficult because there are always so many other things to do. Perhaps that wouldn’t be a problem for anyone but me! Oh well. Please keep posting, whenever it suits you. I enjoy reading your words, thoughts and opinions.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Exactly. That seems to be the popular opinion here. People read posts when they get to them, when they have time, so it doesn’t matter the actual date when it arrives in their inbox. Also, agreed that, if writing to a prompt, that dictates when we post (to a point). It’s not the same every week, though.
      I do hope you’re not stressing too much. I have people visit the Lemon Shark at different times and I notice you do as well. I like your attitude: “They’re my rules and I can break them if I want.” 🙂 Whether you have a schedule or not, the bottom line is that it should work for you as a blogger. Thanks, Norah. ❤

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  9. i post randomly as well. some days, i don’t feel like writing at all and having a schedule feels like i’m working on a deadline, although i must admit that it would surely get the job done. after a few days of chillin’ and taking my sweet time, though, i feel pressured to write something — anything! not for those who read my blog but because by then, i feel like my creativity’s stifled and i need to let it out somehow.

    so, yeah, i’d still end up blogging, albeit erratically. hehe.

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    • Here’s another vote for writing when we feel like it and having fun. I am honestly shocked at the amount of bloggers who are giving this a thumbs-up. It’s, like, Blogging 101 or something that you have to blog on a specific day each week and have some sort of schedule. I like that so many don’t. 🙂

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  10. While I really appreciate my blog followers I don’t think anyone is waiting for my words of wisdom, so I post when it suits. Charli’s flash fiction deadline and book publication day for my reviews do affect when I post but mostly I’m trying to hold back and not post too often. Now, should I put something up today?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, when we’re writing to a prompt or working with a specific niche, obviously we have to get that out in time. But, in general, we’re “supposed” to post a specific day of the week so our readers know when to expect our words of wisdom. So say all the gurus. But there are a lot of people commenting here that they don’t post on a schedule. Now that I’m flying by the seat of my pants, I’ll try not to post too often. It was usually only once a week with an occasional fiction post from the Reef anyway. (You should post today.) 😀


  11. Oh dear, as someone who worships at the shrine of self-imposed and completely pointless adherence to schedule that matters only to me, I am all twitchy reading about this decision, but I will get over it as long as you don’t go too many days in between posts.

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  12. I post about once a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. Not necessarily on same day. Has never been a problem. Sometimes I see people apologizing for taking breaks or changing things up. I don’t really get it. With so many blogs out there, I don’t think anyone really notices (for better or worse) when someone takes a few weeks off or whatever. Every blogger should do what works for her. (Or him!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I often see people posting about/apologizing for taking a blogging break or missing their “regular” day. I get what blog experts are saying in a way. If you want people to read you regularly, you should post regularly. And on the same day so people know to expect your post. But… I think people read whenever they can now so it’s not as much of an issue. I agree. There are so many blogs out there and, if you take a week off, people probably won’t notice. They’ll catch you next week. Whatever works for each blogger.


  13. Awesome! I love this approach. Yes, all the experts talk about posting on a regular basis and doing it on a certain day of the week, blah blah. That kind of takes the fun out of it – for me, anyway.

    Like katespencer17 said (above), surprises are fun!

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    • Right? Random blogging works well for specific types of blogs, I think. Of course, if people have a Thursday series of “Zebras on Parade”, I’d expect to get that on Thursday. But I wouldn’t care as long as I could read “Zebras on Parade” because it sounds so delightful. 😉

      I love that so many bloggers are talking about enjoying blogging and the fact that we should be having fun. Makes me happy. (I think the zebras are happy, too. It’s hard to tell with them.)

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  14. That is what I decided to do if I feel a thing, you know a writey bitey thing that runs up the back of your neck and you have to write it… then I do. If it is twice in one day but not for ten… I just do. I tried the one day a week and always end with a question stuf, it wasn’t for me. The world didn’t end the blog didn’t lock down and guess what… The bloggers that said you can’t post mixes? Like poetry, story, flash, truth, music, and reviews on the same site. Guess what; I do. . My blog is where I come along with twitter, to relax between revising and editing my WIP. So I write or I sing to my tune. Good luck be free. 😇

    Liked by 1 person

    • That is awesome! 🙂 A writey bitey thing that runs up the back of your neck is something that needs to be written! Yeah, the end-with-a-question thing is something I’ve really tried to keep up with but, sometimes, it does feel forced. Other times, I’m actually curious.

      Yes! The don’t-mix-post-types rule. I like that you do that. It’s your blog and should reflect who you are. Sing to your own tune and be free. ❤

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  15. I blog every day, mostly in my head! I have an intended schedule beyond the flash challenge, but find that balancing it with other responsibilities can be challenging, as it has been of late. You go, Lemon Shark! Blog when the word frenzy is right for you!

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  16. Heh, I don’t have a series either. I just post whatever I feel like posting. 🙂 I try to post every Wednesday, except for days when I can’t load my own website *grumble, grumble, webhost, grumble* like today… *glowers at error on screen* It’ll probably be up within the hour. If not, words will be had.

    I personally find it hard on me as a reader when people post more than once a week. I’m interested in the people, but I don’t have the time to read through all their posts, so I go with the latest one. If they only post once a week, then I’m getting all the content. 🙂

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    • I usually expect you on Wednesday (especially the first one of the month – I SO need to join that blog hop). You are completely justified in having words with your website/server/host. It is only fair.

      Yeah, more than once a week is tough. Daily is extremely difficult for me. *grumble* *glare*


  17. I love this! I did-do-should schedule my blog posts but life takes over and it’s not always possible. I try to post my book reviews and author interviews to hit the popular hashtag days on Twitter, but then I’ll have a spark of inspiration (rare but it does happen!) and I just throw it out there into the blog-o-sphere and hope for the best. It’s these posts that receive the most interaction! Keep posting 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Schedules are great (I did follow one for a long time) but, yes, life takes over. And, dare I say…takes precedence. It makes sense, like I said to Anne, to post reviews (or any other niche post) on days that work best for those. Completely agree that, when you have a bit of inspiration, you should throw it out there! We’d all love to see it. ❤ Thanks!

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  18. I have NO issue as I’m all over the place at the moment – and that goes for when I remember to check other’s blogs as well. Being interesting is way better than being regular – you’re usually both of course 😀

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    • It seems it doesn’t matter. At least according to Lemon Shark visitors. I guess that’s the big issue here. Most people read or check other blogs when they get a chance so it doesn’t matter when it actually arrived in their inbox. (And thank you. I’m glad you find me interesting.) ❤

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