3 Quick Tips to Keep Your Blog Reader-Friendly


I’ve only published a few how-to posts before so bear with me. It’s short. And has three easy tips to increase your readership.

Okay, I can only promise it will increase readership by one.

That would be me.

Hopefully that one flower (that would be me, again) will become a garden of readers.

There are some of you (I won’t name names) who have the most sweetest blogs and the most loveliest things to say. And yet…

There are a few things I’d like to discuss with you. Three, actually. I’ll be quick. Promise.

I’d like to ask a favor, my bloggy friends. Could you do something for me? That is, if you don’t mind and I ask nicely? (I usually offer cookies or something as my “nice” may not be as nice as I think it is. So, cookies will be involved. Or cake. Your choice.)

When I read your post and there’s a link, it’s wonderful if that link is a word or two (or even five), not an enormously long URL.

And then, when you have your cute, little word that is now a link, it’s quite charming if it doesn’t kick me off your blog. I’m reading your blog because I like it. And I don’t want to leave. And you don’t want me to leave. There might be other posts I’d like to read on there.

Finally, when someone leaves a link in your comments, it often flies off the side of the page and makes your blog literally swim before my eyes. And not in a cute, “Aw, look, it’s a dolphin” sort of way. No. It moves and is difficult to read and (apologies) I often click off the post. I sometimes manage to finish reading if it’s short but I certainly don’t enjoy it as much as I would if it were, say, staying in place.

So, if you’re interested (and use WordPress), these are super-quick fixes:


Turning a long link into a short word or phrase:

  • Select and cut link from your post
  • Highlight word(s) you would like turned into a link
  • Click on link button in the toolbar (if you hover, it says ‘insert/edit link’)
  • Paste link into the space provided


Having a link open in a new tab:

After you have turned your long link into a short word or phrase, have it open into a new tab so I can stay on your blog. (Unless you want me to leave. I can take a hint.)

  • Keep box open where you just pasted your link
  • Click on gear icon (it will say ‘link options’ if you hover) Skip this step if using the Reader
  • Find the tiny box that says ‘Open link in a new tab’
  • Put a check there


Adding/editing links in comment sections:

  • Go to Dashboard and into Comments
  • Click ‘Edit’
  • Click the ‘Link’ button
  • Cut and paste link into URL space
  • Find the tiny box that says ‘Open link in a new tab’
  • Put a check there
  • Click ‘Update’


  • Go to Dashboard and into Comments
  • Click ‘Quick Edit’
  • Cut and paste the following into the comment box:
  • <a href=”www.hello.com”>Hi</a>
  • Change “www.hello.com” to link in the comment
  • Change “Hi” to whatever text you want to display
  • NOTE: This will not open the comment link in a new tab


So long and thanks for all the links! 🐠


If you don’t do these things, is it by choice? If so, why? Does it bother you to have a link open in a new tab? Do you think it’s more likely people will click on longer (obvious) links?


45 thoughts on “3 Quick Tips to Keep Your Blog Reader-Friendly

  1. If anyone knows the correct syntax to Sarah’s third step, I would surely love to know that, as well! I don’t want you to leave my blog (or the site of the blog comment I’m posting to) either!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t moderate previous-commentor comments on my blog, so I’m sure there’s a few really long/ugly urls out there in my comment section. Thankfully, most people who put a link back to their blogs typically know how to encase their name in the anchor tag to hyperlink without my intervention. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I used to do that but missed comments that way (which brings up that much-disputed, controversial topic of replying to comments and I’m not going there again). 😉

      It’s mostly on mobile devices but, wow, when it happens, it’s impossible to read the post with the movement. I get seasick. Good you have knowledgeable commenters. Just an aside, do you get a lot of people leaving links in your comments? I don’t get a lot but see it on others’ sites.


  3. Hello long lost lady. Entertaining as always, even while informing. Glad I pass the test, and glad you brought up the subject, lol. Only one thing, people don’t usually leave links in comments. Not cool unless invited to by blog owner. Did I miss a linkfest party? Lol 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello, lovely!
      That’s another whole discussion. Leaving links in comments is a definite no-no for some while others don’t mind at all. I, personally, hesitate to leave links. I’ve only done so a few times when the link was helpful or relevant. Also, it was usually not one leading to my blog. But you’d be surprised how often I’ve seen this. And those long links really make the page swim around (mostly on mobile devices). A+ for you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • About those links. Did you know you can control that in your dashboard settings? You can set it that if anyone leave more than one link it’s sent to spam 🙂 Also, I have mine set that I must approve comments. I know it’s a drag, but the thought of some of the spam I get filtering through directly on my blog would be appalling. That way I also get to choose what comments stay and which go, lol 😉 x

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ah, cool. I didn’t know you could set up comments to be sent to spam. I end up with a lot of them but it’s auto-filtered as of right now.

        Nah, it’s fine. I have my comments set to approve, too. I switched to that a couple years ago because I couldn’t keep up with my schedule and responding to comments unless I manually approved and replied. Rinse and repeat. 😉 ❤


  4. I definitely do the first two, Sarah. Like you, I can’t understand why people allow their links to open in the same tab. Can’t recall people leaving links in the comments – I don’t get that many comments – but I’ll look out for it from now on.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t get many links in my comments but have been to many blogs where the links are cut and pasted and just scrooooooolllll off the side and the post swims. They disrupt the screen fit or something. Gah.

      I don’t get it. I still see a LOT of bloggers who have links in their posts that kick me off their site. I usually use the back button but, sometimes, I get distracted and stay on the linked page never to return… 😉

      I’ll leave a link over there and you can play around and edit it. See if it works. ???


  5. I was told there would be cookies? Preferably chocolate chip? These are good tips, Sarah, and some I stumbled across and learned by accident, lol. They definitely enhance a blog and help retain readers. You can drop off the cookies.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I learned them by accident/trial-and-error/annoyance-at-my-blog so… *shrug* There you go. I like to share my stumbles in the techy world so others don’t have to faceplant, you know?

      Chocolate chip it is. Though, for you, I may skip the cookies and just show up with some good chocolate and red wine. And I’m not dropping off–I’m staying. 🙂 It’s got to be done eventually.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Interesting. Being a book blogger, I’d think you would link to all sorts of bookish stuff or the book itself or goodreads or something. I must admit, I’ve forgotten how you set up your reviews. I have to visit again anyway. I’m overdue. 🙂


    • Yup, that’s how I do it, as well. I just wrote it the other way ’round The link button allows you to do either–change a word into a link or change a link into a word or phrase. Same box. (But it’s good to click that box to open in a new tab, too. It’s right under where you paste your url or words.) This post has been clear as mud. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Always enjoy passing along what I learn along the way. (I’m usually stumbling and falling into the knowledge so hope I can help others prevent the fall, you know? Pay it forward or something along those lines.) 🙂 Hope you find some of it useful!

      Liked by 2 people

  6. great tips – and I also hate when a link takes you away from the actual site you are on – and think WP should have it set as a default to “not” do that – but instead we have to go into settings and change it every time. But I don’t mind – and as you noted – it should be done – and does not take too long at all

    Liked by 1 person

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