Hinting at Shadows #BookReview by Colleen Chesebro



What a wonderful surprise to find a review of Hinting at Shadows over at Colleen Chesebro’s blog this month. (I’ve been out sick but couldn’t let this review go…unreblogged? Is that a word? Well, it is now. So says me.) Colleen’s review is awesome:

the brevity of words deepens the message.

Brentyn excels at finding and revealing even the darkest of human truths in her writing.

I’ve read this book numerous times…Brentyn is a master storyteller…

Have I mentioned the review is awesome? I am thrilled my book of flash earned five magical fairies from Colleen. 🧚‍♀️ Thank you!

Please stop by, check out the review, and explore her blog. It’s a wealth of information, magic, book reviews, and more. She also hosts a fabulous weekly poetry challenge. (While you’re there, do check out her books.)