Hinting at Shadows ~ Holiday Sale #99cents #99p #BookSale


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October has come and gone. Whisked away like colorful leaves caught in autumn breezes. My annual fall sale is over but the holidays are approaching and the spirit of the season has filled me.

This is a great time of year to enjoy some bite-sized morsels between driving, eating, and unwrapping. For those who want a collection to dip in and out of during the holiday season, here’s your chance to grab a copy. (If you prefer paperbacks, these slim volumes are a perfect stocking stuffer. Just saying.)

I’m putting Hinting at Shadows on sale for the holidays. ⛄️ Because why not? You can get a copy for just 99c/99p HERE. 

FYI: I’m putting On the Edge of a Raindrop on sale (FREE) the first week of December. Watch for that one. Cheers! 🍷

Happy Holidays! ❄️


Here’s what some people are saying about Hinting at Shadows:


Short and brilliant…

beautifully and richly crafted. Brentyn has a skill with the written word that just leaves you breathless…

Every story is a pearl. The writing is exquisite… 

The author’s haunting prose very cleverly invokes strong images with the minimum of words. Sarah Brentyn delivers something quite different, written beautifully…

Hinting at Shadows…is sheer poetry in the garb of flash fiction.


If you’d like to download a copy, here’s the link:
Hinting at Shadows 🖤❄️


Happy reading, all!

Hinting at Shadows #BookReview by Harmony Kent



First wonderful surprise was seeing a tweet with the hashtag #amreading followed by my book. I smiled all day. What a lovely thing to do.

But look what I found today… A glowing 5-star review. From Harmony Kent, a multi-genre author with more than ten books to her name. (And a rating system that notes: ‘I consider a 3-star rating a positive review. Picky about which books I give 5 stars to. I reserve this highest rating for the stories I find stunning and which moved me.’) So, yeah, I’m thrilled.

Short and brilliant

I reckon I shall be re-reading this one over and over again.

I read this in one go and couldn’t put it down. It gets a solid five stars from me.

Thank you, Harmony! 💖

Please stop by, read the full review, and explore her blog. Her writing ranges from non-fiction to romance, poetry to post-apocalyptic. (With a new holiday romance due out the 6th of December.) There’s something for everyone so do check out her books.

She also writes for Story Empire: This is the home of six bestselling authors who share a passion for all things related to writing, publishing, and promoting fiction. 


I’m putting Hinting at Shadows back on sale for the holidays. ⛄️ Because why not? You can get a copy for just 99c/99p HERE.

My Brain Freeze



I looked at the frost on my flowers the other day and thought, “Huh. That’s like my brain right now.”

You know when you were a kid and ate ice cream too fast or slurped one of those slushie things? It was like, “Whoa! Brain freeze!” Remember that?

Yeah. That’s not what I’m talking about at all. It’s more like stumbling out of bed at ridiculous-o-clock, shuffling into the kitchen, opening the cabinet, and staring at the coffee mugs.

Almost daily now, I find myself in the middle of a task and I get brain freeze. I just stop what I’m doing and my mind goes to sleep for a second. What was I doing? Why did I come in here? What was I looking for?

This has happened to me many times, of course. Usually in the early morning. But now it’s like permafrost—it lasts all day.

On top of that, I think magical things are going to happen. Not consciously but in a “this-will-be-completed-with-no-assistance-from-me” sort of way.

If I stare at the coffee maker, I will have coffee. If I stare at the computer screen, my page will be edited.

I’m getting time back by focusing on what’s important and ditching the rest (which is awesome) but I’m not getting the stuff done I’ve made time for. I know. Irony is delicious. Just don’t eat it too fast.

Maybe I need to get used to having that bit of extra time before my frostbitten brain can thaw and function properly.


My Sunday thoughts in (around) 200 words.


I know everyone wonders what they went into the kitchen for at one time or another but, realistically, how often does this happen to you? Should I be worried? 😉

I think I just need to adjust to this new-ish schedule. Hopefully, after a transition period, this will mean I actually finish the books I’m working on and get them out into the world! *fingers crossed*