Why You Should Embed Tweets in Your Blog Post




I shared how to embed tweets in a blog post but you may be asking yourself why you’d want to.


You: “So, Sarah, that was cool and all but why would I need tweets on my blog?”

Me: “What?! Because!”

You: …

Me: “It’s awesome, that’s why!”

You: …

Me: “Okay. I’ll tell you.”


These embedded tweets are… Psst… Come closer… *whispers* Interactive.

I know, right? How cool is that?! Readers can do anything right from your blog.

  • Open your tweet
  • Visit your timeline
  • Check out a hashtag
  • Follow
  • Like
  • Retweet
  • Reply

Everything is clickable. It’s basically a live tweet. One that you’ve highlighted. One that you want to share with your blog readers.

I do like Twitter but, let’s face facts, that thing moves like ticker tape. It’s so easy to miss tweets from your tweeps. Depending on how often you post, that tweet is going to be much more visible here.

And it doesn’t have to be just one. You can make an entire post from tweets. Maybe you’ve had an interesting conversation about traditional vs indie publishing. Or the best way to make brownies. Or whether spiders or rats have had better PR. (I’ve had that last convo quite recently: Mickey Mouse and Spider-Man. It was weird.)

Regardless, it makes for a fun post and people can interact with each tweet by liking, retweeting, and even replying to it right from your blog.



This allows readers to…well…follow you.

Click to enlarge



Your name/avi brings readers directly to your timeline. (They can open a specific tweet by clicking on the time/date of the embedded tweet.)

Click to enlarge



Click to enlarge



Click to enlarge



Readers can reply to your tweet right here.

Click to enlarge

A pop-up box appears, they write 140 characters (or less) in reply to you, then click “tweet”. This shows up on their timeline and yours. Nice!

Click to enlarge


Let’s try this, shall we? I’ll embed a tweet or two, you have fun:



* I tried a poll a few years ago and, when I posted about it, most bloggers said they hadn’t seen the poll on Twitter. If you embed it, both your blogging friends and your tweeps can vote.


Hope you found some fun ways to use a tweet on your blog. Remember…a well-placed tweet can make a good post great. (I just made that up but it’s kind of cool.) ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy blogging (and tweeting) days, my friends!


How to Embed Tweets in Your Blog Post




Tweets aren’t just for Twitter anymore.

Here’s a neat thing you can do with those tweets right here on your WordPress blog. It’s wicked cool. And easy. 3 steps…done.

All of you lovely bloggers know I’m not a techie but I wanted to share this fun find with you.

I have visuals, too, which is awesome. Admittedly, I went a bit bonkers with the arrows but…you get the point. (I know. I’m hilarious.)

First we’re going old school with a “cut and paste” URL option, then we’ll embed an html code like we know what we’re doing.

No need to hurt your eyes squinting at the screenshotsโ€”you can click to enlarge them. Let’s get tweeting on our blogs.


Copy Link Option:


Choose the tweet you want. Click on the cute, little grey v-shaped thingy in the top, right corner.

Click to enlarge



You’ll see a drop-down menu with all sorts of neat things like “pin to your profile page” (or “unpin” if it’s already pinned), “share via DM”, and “delete tweet” (for those times when Twitter decides to add a typo after you’ve posted). Click on “Copy link to Tweet”.

Click to enlarge

Here is what you’ll see. Select and copy. It’s a URL so you can use this anywhere you’d use a link. (UPDATE: OCTOBER 2017 – There is no longer a URL to cut and paste. Once you click on “Copy link to Tweet”, the URL is automatically copied.)

Click to enlarge



Open a post and paste the copied link. You’ll be in “visual” view for this. Hey! There’s a tweet!

Click to enlarge

Copying the link works well on WordPress but may not work on other platforms. On a website, for example, this option will simply create a URL to the tweet.


Embed Code Option:


We’re going to embed that tweet now. Hold on to your hats. Choose the tweet you want. Click on the cute, little grey v-shaped thingy in the top, right corner. There’s that drop-down menu. Click on “Embed Tweet”.

Click to enlarge

Here is what you’ll see. Select and copy the html code.

Click to enlarge



Open a post. Switch to “text” view. Paste the code. Hmm…there’s a bunch of html stuff there I don’t understand. *shrugs*

Click to enlarge



Let’s switch to “visual” view and see what happens… There they are! Except, erm, they look different. Click “Preview”.

Click to enlarge

No worries! When you preview, they look the same.

Click to enlarge

Embedding has a few more options and benefits but, for the sake of brevity (and for those who don’t play well with html), these are two ways to get a tweet into a WordPress post. Pick one, have fun, and tweet on.

Tune in tomorrow, Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Channel, for my follow-up post on embedding tweets. What they are and why you want to use them.

And…here it is: Why You Should Embed Tweets in Your Blog Post (the what and why of embedding tweets)

Happy blogging days, my friends.


Nomination & Thanks #BloggersBash


โ—Š Bloggers Bash 2017 is almost here! โ—Š


Lemon Shark was nominated in the “Best Pal” category. Apparently, I make people want to drink. With me, I mean. Have a drink with me. Which would be awesome. I’d love to sit in a pub with you and toast to, well, pretty much anything. “Here’s to kangaroos! Cheers!”


Thank you to everyone who nominated me. Truly. I’m just honored that some of you thought of me for this award. Itโ€™s nice to see my little Lemon Shark swimming with the big fish.



There are some fabulous blogs up for these awards (including some lovely ones in the category I’m in). Just saying. โค Congrats to all the nominees and cheers to all my best bloggy pals!


Migraines and Manicures



โ€œI totally have a migraine,โ€ she flips her shiny hair over her shoulder and takes a sip of coffee.

โ€œThose are the worst,โ€ her friend says loudly and somewhat sympathetically.

The girl with the โ€œmigraineโ€ looks up from her iPhone long enough to say, โ€œThey so are. Do you have an Advil?โ€

An anvil? Sure. I happen to have one here I can drop on your head to give you an idea of what it’s like to actually have a migraine.

When did this term become synonymous with a bad headache? Or a Frapuccino-sipping, hair-flipping mild one?

Three days ago, my head felt like a coconut being split open.

I felt like one of the extras in a B-rated horror movie, shrieking for a moment and having the camera linger on me long enough to show the audience I was the latest victim of an ax-wielding psycho star.

Actually, I might have welcomed having my head split open at the time. The pressure was…indescribable. I thought my brain might actually be swelling and pressing against my skull. Gross, right? I know. Then thereโ€™s the nausea and vomiting that goes along with the blinding pain, the vision problems, and the inability to move for fear of crumpling to the floor in agony. Not to mention (but I will) that if someone drops a spoon on the other side of the house, they may as well have hit you over the head with a frying pan. Oh, and you have to avoid sunlight like a vampire. Because. Pain.

You can’t read, write, eat, think… So, basically, you whimper (very quietly) and wish the time away. At least, that’s what I do.

This is how I spent my dayโ€”curled up in a ball under the covers with my hands desperately trying to cover my ears and my eyes at the same time. That didnโ€™t work out well.

A migraine is a medical condition.

Seriously. It has symptoms and everything.

People, please, for the love of all that is good and covered in chocolate, stop. If you’re up and about, swishing your sweet coffee concoction, examining your manicure, pouting over your split ends, and texting, please don’t complain about your โ€œmigraineโ€.

It makes people who actually suffer from migraines feel miffed.

Okay, angry.

Okay, maybe it only makes me angry but this is my blog so…



I may be overreacting a tad here but, having just been through a 2-day adventure in agony (again), this was a fun little rant. And kind of overdue… Just saying. Do you suffer from migraines? How do you cope? Hopefully better than I do.


A Mother’s Day Fairy Tale



What do fairy tale stepmothers do on Mother’s Day? Form a support group, of course. Read all about it here:

Evil Stepmother Support Group

How are the stepmothers doing today? Let’s check in with them:

Evil Stepmother Support Group ~ One Year Anniversary

Happy Mother’s Day!

Raw Literature: Writer Unplugged

So Iโ€™m forcing myself to get over my Guestapostophobia. Facing my fear. Writing guest posts.

Iโ€™m happy to have a post up at Carrot Ranch, a supportive community of flashers (ermโ€ฆpeople who write flash), hosted by the ever-encouraging Charli Mills. Check out my post about how letting go and just writing can produce a powerful, genuine story.

Guestapostophobia (The Fear of Writing Guest Posts)



I was going to write an awesome guest post.

It was going to be spectacular.

Then I sat down to write.

It turned out to be a post about writing posts. I couldnโ€™t believe it. And it was bad.

I donโ€™t have trouble writing posts for my blog. Theyโ€™re pretty easy. In fact, I write them in my head all the time like some crazed commentator.

Then I tried to write for someone elseโ€™s blog. This caused much panic, self-doubt, writerโ€™s block, and a small amount of sweating, which shall collectively and henceforth be known as SEBS (Someone Elseโ€™s Blog Syndrome). SEBS can range from mild to severe.


Just type.

If youโ€™ve been offered a guest post, go for it. If you follow someone who has a guest series, ask about it. You might even write something great. But, hey, if itโ€™s bad, thatโ€™s okay, too. Move on.

If it really sucks, well…youโ€™ll make a lot of people happy. Because theyโ€™ll think, โ€œWow, that stinks. I could write a post so much better than that.โ€ And they will. And theyโ€™ll submit it and guest post. See? Youโ€™ve helped a fellow blogger or two. Doesnโ€™t that make you happy?


My Sunday thoughts in 200 words or less.


Have you written any guest posts? Do you develop SEBS? Is it just me or is writing a guest post more difficult than writing your own?


* Look at the photo again. Sure, the pink flowers seem pretty…until you stick your face close to them and realize there’s a spider sunbathing inches from your nose. That’s my photographic metaphor for writing a guest post.


May Day Celebrations



The fire of the sun

In a spray of bright flowers

Spring turns to Summer

Petals float down from blue skies

Dancing with me in the breeze


May Day A spring holiday celebrated for millennia around the world, usually with flowers, crowning of a May Queen, and dancing around the maypole. Every country or region has its own specific customs.

Read more about May Day ๐ŸŒบ

Beltane An ancient fire festival marking the first day of summer (making Summer Solstice in June “midsummer” – Shakespeare, anyone?). Fires were used to represent the waxing sun and thought to provide protection and abundance for the coming season. The Green Man is often associated with this festival as are fairies and tree spirits.

Read more about Beltane ๐ŸŒบ

Lei Day In Hawaii, they celebrate Hawaiian culture and tradition with dancing and the giving of leis (necklaces made of flowers). Each island in this archipelago has its own distinct flower which is used to make the leis.

Read more about Lei Day ๐ŸŒบ


The May Queen

(an excerpt)

You must wake and call me early, call me early, mother dear;

To-morrow โ€™ll be the happiest time of all the glad new-year,โ€”

Of all the glad new-year, mother, the maddest, merriest day;

For I โ€™m to be Queen oโ€™ the May, mother, I โ€™m to be Queen oโ€™ the May.


The honeysuckle round the porch has woven its wavy bowers,

And by the meadow-trenches blow the faint sweet cuckoo-flowers;

And the wild marsh-marigold shines like fire in swamps and hollows gray;

And I โ€™m to be Queen oโ€™ the May, mother, I โ€™m to be Queen oโ€™ the May.

~ Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Wishing you all joy on May Day!
