The Places You’ll Go


I just returned from vacation during which I witnessed a lot of ugliness.

With all the talk about compassion saturating the blogosphere, I’m still wondering what world my children will live in. I don’t know if anything has changed. ThoughtBubble

I hope much has changed. I hope people who are compassionate have discovered they are not alone. I hope people who are not compassionate read something that helps them act with more kindness.

When I think of compassion, I think of all living things. Of all parts of the world. Of my friends and family.

And, yes, especially my own children.

Although my thoughts reach across the globe, I live here. With my children. While they are no more or less deserving of compassion than others, they are closer to me in all ways. (Also, I am a mother. Our lot can be a wildly protective one.)

As we celebrate Read Across America today, I look at my children’s copies of Oh, the Places You’ll Go. This book describes the world as wonderful and confusing and beautiful and scary. This is all true. But if there is more compassion, I will worry less about what places my children will go.


The Places You'll Go

Dr. Seuss Day


There are some, down the road between hither and yon,
that can scare you so much you won’t want to go on.
But on you will go
though the weather be foul.
On you will go
though your enemies prowl.

So be sure when you step.
Step with care and great tact
and remember that Life’s
a Great Balancing Act.


My Sunday thoughts in 200 words or less.


31 thoughts on “The Places You’ll Go

  1. “Life’s a great balancing act.” And cliche as it is, all journeys begin at home so naturally its important that our children learn compassion from us. Like that one Christmas when my son, about 5 years old, in his excitement to go look at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve, knocked over an empty wine glass, shattering it in — of all places — the pan of fudge we were about to divvy up for our excursion. The look of horror on his face, his eyes then looking to each of us, his family. None of us glared; none spoke harsh words. We collectively were disappointed, but even his young sisters responded with compassion, “It’s all right Little Brother.” Today, he’s one of the most compassionate young men I know. I don’t worry about where he goes. I know he’ll bring about the changes we started in our home. Oh, the places your sons will go — and they will carry with them your compassion for the globe!

    Liked by 3 people

    • It is a balancing act. I love your anecdote about your son’s mishap with the fudge. Your children sound like amazing people. I should have assumed, as you are such a beautiful person. OH, the places my own will go? I hope mostly good. Parenthood is riddled with worry. Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautiful, thoughtful post, and the same is true of Charli’s response. When I saw your title and image I thought you must have timed it in celebration of Dr Seuss’s birthday, March 2, but you haven’t mentioned that so I guess it’s a coincidence.
    Like Charli, I believe your boys will go wonderful places, and they will make the places they go wonderful by their compassion and interest in the world. You have taught them to strong and resilient, kind and caring. What a wonderful combination. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you. Yes, I did time it in celebration of Dr. Suess Day (a.k.a. Read Across America Day).

      Dr. Seuss Day

      I had that in the post but, alas, these Thought Bubbles are 200 words or less. 😉 I should edit it to mention that. I hope they will go wonderful places but life is not always wonderful and they will face their share of ugly like everyone else. I hope the world is more compassionate by the time they get out there on their own. Thank you for your confidence in my abilities. 😀


      • Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t see mention of that in the post. Don’t know why I missed it. Never mind. Your timing was great anyway.
        I hope that the world will become more compassionate too. And you’re right. As much as we’d like to protect our children from the ugly, everyone comes across a bit of it at times. At least you are developing resilience along with compassion. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      • You didn’t miss it. 😉 I added “Dr. Seuss Day” to the picture caption after your comment. I should have thought of that earlier. That doesn’t mess with my word count.
        Oh, I love it! I’m going to focus on resilience. Perfect.


  3. Oh, the Places You’ll Go! is my favorite children’s book. He’s so upfront, yet leaves you instilled with hope for a fantastic future.

    I hadn’t really thought about applying it outwardly, thinking of it in terms of compassion, but I can see the relation. I guess this world is what we make it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love that book, too. It’s one of the few that we have a duplicate of because I wanted each of my boys to have his own. And I love the message. You’re right that, up to a point, the world is what we make it. I need to focus a bit more on that. Thanks. 🙂


  4. A must have book for all households, whether you have children or not lol. It’s a great life lesson for all ages.
    I am sorry that your vacation was marred by ugliness. One day I hope that people wake up and realize that their ugly words and actions do not benefit anyone, it only causes more harm than good to anyone it touches.
    I will share my limes with you! 😬

    Liked by 1 person

    • I completely agree. This book is a great lesson for all ages. Plus…Dr. Seuss. 🙂

      Thank you. I am sorry, too. It’s a damn shame people act that way. There is such ugliness out there. I try to find the beauty as much as I can but I’m sensitive and am affected by anger and hostility and rudeness. I try not to be but I am. Thanks for the limes. I need them.


      • Add to the anger, hostility and rudeness, the pettiness, and bullying from grown adults. It just amazes me, and not in the good way. But there has to be more good out there, we just aren’t being touched by it at the moment. I hope.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh, I hear you on this… compassion seems to be lacking in the world and it breaks my heart. One thing we can do is try (hmm, key word) to teach it to our children, offer it to them, and ourselves, in addition of course to the world around us.

    I loved that book, Oh The Places We’ll Go, my mom bought it for me as a college going away present.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Agreed. We need to be compassionate ourselves and bring up our children to be as well. And hope…
      I love that book, too. That’s so sweet! I think it’s meant to be a graduation gift–I just gave it to my boys a bit early. 😉


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