Nurturing the Writer


Writers can nurture themselves. Seriously. They have special writer things that help them put words together to make cool sentences and paragraphs. ThoughtBubble

Yes, they can indulge in other, non-writerly stuff, too, because writers resemble regular people in most ways. But I’m talking about what they can do while they’re actually working.

Stretch, do chair yoga, watch a woodpecker perch on the maple outside, practice pranayama breathing, drink a glass of wine or cup of steaming green tea with honey, switch to a beanbag chair, eat the good chocolate (those sea salt caramels they’ve been keeping out of reach of the kids).

Sometimes, though, the best way to nurture yourself as a writer is to acknowledge that your eyes are dry because you haven’t blinked in three hours, that you have a screen-staring headache, that you’re repeating yourself and saying the same things, using identical words over and over, and none of the amazing ideas that are inside your head are reaching your keyboard.

Sometimes, the best thing a writer can do to nurture herself is to close her laptop and walk away.

And that is what I’m going to do today.

Writers Walk Away


My Sunday thoughts in 200 words or less.


“Bloggers from all over the world are coming together to talk about compassion, in one epic event on February 20, 2015.” I took part in this amazing online movement back in February and am pleased to be one of the many voices of #1000speak again. The birth of the project was here at 1000 Voices Speak for Compassion by Yvonne Spence.

For April, the #1000 Speak theme is Nurturing.




27 thoughts on “Nurturing the Writer

  1. Good for you Sarah! Turning the laptop off and walking away can be the best inspiration, I sometimes worry that I am using the same words, telling the same message too often. I hope that is not the case. I’m away from my computer this week, hoping for some re-energising. I hope you enjoy your laptop-free day!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You’re so right, Sarah, got to let the writerly drive go sometimes. But I loved your line that writers are like people most of the time – makes me think of the specialness around the concept of writers block, as if it’s so different to the ordinary experience of being one out, even from the thing you love, and needing to stop.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. hit the nail on the head with this one. too often I overwrite, and your exactly right, I end up repeating myself and writing shite! I have to remember ITS OK to turn the laptop off! thanks for the timely reminder 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. How often do we hold our breath as our fingers dance on the keys and our mind races with thoughts? I thought your idea of practicing pranayama breathing was an excellent one Sarah. Awareness is the key. And I’m of the humble opinion that chocolate is inspiring – every writer needs some. 😉 Enjoy your day away from the laptop.

    Liked by 1 person

    • See? There are special writer things. It’s interesting how often we become completely unaware when we’re writing. So, yes, breathing is a definite for me because I can lose all awareness of time and space. Which I kind of need.


  5. “Sometimes, the best thing a writer can do to nurture herself is to close her laptop and walk away.” – So true. And well done you for nurturing yourself that way.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Exactly. I’m just sitting here staring at the screen or writing ridiculous things (which I totally keep because they’re hilarious). It’s tough for me to shut it down, too. But sometimes it just has to be done.


    • I actually had to look that up! Wikipedia says (and if Wiki says, it must be true) that Ujjayi is a form of pranayama. And, hey, guess what I’ve been doing? Ujjayi. Seriously. I practice other types of pranayama breathing but, most often, I’m breathing good old Ujjayi (which I learned a lifetime ago at a yoga retreat but clearly never learned the name of — so thank you). 🙂 And, yes, I’m partly refreshed. But now I’m even more so because I am breathing.


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