Summer Solstice: The Shortest Night


The first day of summer is here. We like to think about sunshine and light and warmth when, in fact, this is the beginning of the dark half of the year. Today is the longest day and each day that follows will become incrementally shorter. Darkness is slowly edging its way into our lives.

We can wonder, while sitting on a sandy beach or swimming in a pool, how June could herald a decline of sunlight. Or we can savor and appreciate what we have.

This flower, purple, delicate, and perfect, showed up in the midst of the mess of old pine needles and weeds in our backyard. I have no idea where it came from. We didn’t plant it so the seed flew to us on a breeze or was carried by an animal. (I like to think it sprouted magically from the ground or the fairies brought it but believe what you must.)

Regardless of how it arrived, it stayed and blossomed just like that. One day there was nothing, then there was this. I’ll leave you to admire the beauty of the petals as well as the thought that it appeared somehow, some way, for some reason.


Summer Solstice Flower

Flower From the Fairies


My Sunday thoughts in 200 words or less.


21 thoughts on “Summer Solstice: The Shortest Night

  1. I kind of like to think of the shortening days, less as a growing Darkness and loss of light and more as an enveloping bedtime with all the cosiness and comfort that connotes. Dream inducing sleep is one of the joys of being alive so I fight those metaphors that suggest it is anything other than a plus. Not that is what you were saying. I mean you are a positive life force put here to do universal good. Just saying.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s a nice way to think about it — a rejuvenating, dream-inducing sleep. I think of darkness as a time of introspection. I enjoy it as much as the light (yin-yang, two halves creating wholeness and all that). Plus, we can’t appreciate one without the other.
      Positive life force doing good. Yes.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I like the fairy idea. It’s a nice surprise.

    You make it sound so ominous when you write: “this is the beginning of the dark half of the year.”

    This is my favorite day and night of the year. I’m a June baby so I love the light. But as a mother, I prefer when things are more even between light and dark or even the longer nights. I don’t know how it is in your house, but my son hates going to bed when it is light out. In winter I have been able to trick him into going to bed as early as 6 pm, now he’s still running around after 9. I write in the evenings, so I much prefer having the time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I like the fairy idea, too. Glad everyone is in agreement then. 😉

      Didn’t mean to sound so ominous! I like both parts of the year — light and dark. Isn’t is an amazing day (and night)? I love it, too. Ha! I hadn’t thought about it but, yes, it’s tough to sleep when it’s so bright outside your window. Though I’m usually the one wanting to keep everyone out in the yard “just 5 more minutes” to see the fireflies.

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  3. I was just thinking about how the beginning of summer is really its demise. I’ve enjoyed not having to stoke a wood fire for heat but as the days shorten, I need to think about getting firewood. There’s still time for gardening and huckleberries. Yes! That’s a ferry flower!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It does seem odd that the first day of summer is its demise. 😀 We still have months of sunshine and swims ahead. I’m liking the sound of huckleberries!
      (It’s totally a flower of the fey, right? It’s too perfect.)


  4. When so many of the plants that self seed in our gardens are weeds, it’s lovely to see that you got this beautiful Iris. Given that we’re still waiting for summer here, and plenty of light evenings still ahead, it doesn’t yet feel like a step towards winter. But I do love all our seasons, as long as they stay in their rightful place, which they tend to do less and less, I admit.

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    • Yes, well, we usually get self-planted weeds, too. And most of our flowers haven’t bloomed yet. I’m not sure they will this year because of all the snow. Usually we have huge, blue flowers on our hydrangea by the summer solstice. This year, there aren’t even tiny, green/white buds yet. So we wait. I do love having all four seasons, though.


  5. Definitely fairies and they must like you to give you such a beautiful flower.
    I am the reverse of you. Your summer solstice means that from now our days are getting longer. Despite not yet having the worst of our winter (and I really can’t complain about the cold) it means summer is on the way back. Although I prefer summer I am happy in winter also (as long as it isn’t too cold).

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  6. I never thought about it that way– as the beginning of the darker days. But you know– that’s positive for me because I do so much better with everything in life when my kids are on the school schedule.

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    • There’s still plenty of light left this season but there is a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks. I’m with you. Although I am extremely disorganized, I do better when I have schedules.


    • It’s our miracle flower. So gorgeous and unexpected.
      I know — a bit weird to think about the days getting shorter but, yes, I do like to be reminded to appreciate that light. 🙂


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