Pause and Smell the Roses


It all started with a writing prompt.

Every Friday, I participate in #FP (Friday Phrases) on Twitter. A few weeks ago, the theme was “pause” and one of the tweets I wrote was this:

This morning, I did pause. And was rewarded with red squirrels, grey squirrels, and chipmunks racing through bushes, chasing each other. Mourning doves cooed. Chickadees tweeted and blue jays squawked, fluttering from maples to pines.

I watched the clouds drift from brushstrokes into dragons and marveled at how the sky directly above the tree line is a watery blue which deepens in hue as your eyes travel upward—so subtle you’d miss it if you weren’t absorbed in its color.

I sat on my porch peeking between branches, at the ground, in the sky, dipping my finger in dew drops on our mini-pumpkins, all the while enjoying the intoxicating smell of my morning coffee and sipping the delicious brew.

I looked, listened, smelled, tasted, and touched. I used all my senses to appreciate the world around me. I didn’t stop. I paused. A minor distinction, perhaps, but a world of difference to me.

People are always saying I need to ‘stop’ when what I really needed was to ‘pause’.


My Sunday thoughts in 200 words or less.


When is the last time you paused? Took life in? Enjoyed the moment? Take a pause today, gentle readers.


48 thoughts on “Pause and Smell the Roses

    • Haha! I’m sorry (I hope your babe is feeling better) it’s just that sick days are breaks for us sometimes. *sigh* I have a whole post about that. Anyway, hope there is health and happiness and some pauses in the works for you.


  1. Every now and then I do this. I stop and just watch the world go by, listen to the sounds, smell the smells. I hadn’t put the word “pause” to it before, but that’s what it is. Pausing life, just for a few moments just to appreciate what’s around us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes! Exactly. I can’t keep going all the time. It’s overwhelming and exhausting. But I can’t stop, either. If I pause, it will enhance the play. ❤ (And I can attest to the fact that it does, indeed, make you wish to pause more often. I have done this two mornings in a row now.)


  2. Pausing instead of stopping… great way to put it. We’re all too busy to seriously consider the full stop… but taking a pause now and again is more easily justified and gives you the all the benefits of a full stop with less guilt and anxiety about what needs to be done. Perhaps I’ll take a pause at my favorite waterway in the middle of my commute this week. In your honor, of course!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is easily justified. Hadn’t thought of that. *sigh* “less guilt and anxiety”…still working on that. Thanks. I really hope you do take a pause at that waterway. (And better still if it’s in my honor.) 😉


  3. Heh, sometimes I think it’s harder to pause with children. A lot of my time is spent chasing and managing near-disasters that I fear taking my eyes off them. Plus they’re shorter than me, so I don’t look up often. 🙂

    I think I like walks for that reason. The kids sit in the stroller, usually calm, and I have the moment of peace for a deep inhale and a look around, even if I’m still moving.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sometimes? Yes. It is. Hee…they’re shorter. Well, please do try to look up. The view is glorious. Walks are some of my favorite ways to enjoy a pause–a look around, a cleansing breath. Still moving but perhaps not as quickly.


  4. I want to sit on your porch with you and dip my fingers in the dew drops on your mini-pumpkins and watch all those adorable creatures at play…so I pause here and imagine it and that is good enough 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks Sarah…a delicious thought 🙂 My times in the garden have been more harried having to get my spring bulbs in and do a lot of tidying up in readiness for winter. Some late autumn sunny days do make for those few glorious pauses though…nothing like them is there? ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh wow… yes, reframing the “stop” as a “pause…” That is what I call a “self evident epiphany” (which I very much wish I could take credit for, but can’t) … in other words, something that *should* be blatantly obvious, but isn’t. This post is like releasing a breath after holding it just a little too long… and I love this line: “I watched the clouds drift from brushstrokes into dragons.” Just beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ooh. I like that. “Self evident epiphany”. I have them all the time. Sometimes they show up in Thought Bubbles. 😉
      I absolutely love your comment: “This post is like releasing a breath after holding it just a little too long…” Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I like this. So thoughtful. And you know what it reminds me of? A semi colon. Because it’s a kind of pause… with a something that carries on after. love a semi colon. love your description of pause too. I always scald myself for not being very present or mindful, but you know what? I actually am. I am busy observing the world, and the colours and the crunch of leaves underfoot – Im busy pausing to take foot selfies and indulge in the beauty of nature. Yeah. like this. I pause a lot too. I just didn’t know it. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes! The semi colon. That’s bloody brilliant. Right. Not stopping, just pausing and carrying on with your life (or sentence…or life sentence). O_o I’m not as mindful as I’d like. That’s why with the pausing and everything. It’s helping but I could stand to be more present in my life. Taking foot selfies among the colored autumn leaves is pausing. (And sending it to your friend is lovely.) It’s a perfect example of pausing, really. You aren’t stopping. You are doing things but appreciating the world around you. ❤


  7. Very insightful. We do not ‘stop’ – we ‘pause’ – ever so much more graceful and welcoming. I will adopt the phrase and shamelessly use it! I loved your ‘pause’ – the squirrels and ‘clouds drift from brushstrokes into dragons’. Beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Being in the Moment | Lemon Shark

  9. Thanks for linking back to this one, Sarah; and apologies for missing it at the time. I love the haiku in your tweet – perfectly sums up your post. I agree with you – just press that ‘pause’ button – never want to get to ‘stop’. That will happen soon enough without my help!

    Liked by 1 person

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