Blogiversaries, Blog Birthdays, & Post Parties


Apparently, I’m supposed to celebrate my blog. Throw a party or something. All the cool kids are doing it.




“I’ve been blogging for a year!” *party*

“I’ve just hit my 200th post!” *party*

Of course, this means I should know how many posts I’ve published and exactly how long I’ve been blogging.

Which I don’t.

I can sneak a quick peek over there –> where a convenient list of months and years is shouting at me from my sidebar.


It’s been a year. Actually, a bit over.

My blogiversary has come and gone. I’m not sure what was required of me, anyway. There are different types of virtual celebrations: leave-a-links, quiet acknowledgments, give-aways, favorite posts…

I didn’t forget, I just didn’t think about it. But everyone celebrates their blog in some way. I’m the odd duck out, I guess. (Do not correct my mixed metaphor—not right now. I’m fragile.)

I don’t understand. Why do people give their blogs birthday and round-numbered posts parties?

Seriously, I see this all the time. On blogs I follow and love. From bloggers I follow and love. I’m hoping those bloggers can chime in and help me understand this confuddling concept.


My Sunday thoughts in 200 words or less.


Do you throw parties for your blog? Have you ever celebrated an anniversary or specific number of posts? Are you acknowledging that you’ve kept up with your writing or appreciating your readers or…?


55 thoughts on “Blogiversaries, Blog Birthdays, & Post Parties

  1. Same as you, I celebrate my blog every time I post to it….by posting to it. To each his own. Though I have never understood the need of it. I post links when I write something bc I want someone to read it..that’s what it’s for…but I have no idea how many posts I’ve made or how long I’ve done it..unless I use the Tracker thingy.

    Love your blog Sarah. No matter which post it is. ♡

    Liked by 3 people

    • Nice thought. I like it. We celebrate our blogs by posting to them, don’t we? We put time, effort, and love into our posts and treat our blog space with respect by posting our polished (and, occasionally, our not-so-polished) words. And thank you. ❤

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  2. I don’t celebrate anything. My 1 year passed quietly in September. I’ve recently passed the 300 posts mark. I’ve done nothing to celebrate. What I’m trying to say some do and some don’t. It’s always best to do what feels right for us and our blog.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I never have and nice to know I’m not alone in that. (Though I suppose this post, ironically, could be considered an acknowledgement of sorts.) Perhaps I’ll pay more attention now, then I can make a decision whether or not I want to celebrate it.

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  3. I did a short post to mark a year of blogging. I felt like I needed to mark it because it felt like an achievement. But I guess some people like to mark these things and others don’t. It’s a personal thing, I suppose.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’ll have to check your post out. Marking something we feel is an achievement is a good thing. I’m all for that. I never noticed when I’d hit a specific post or date. I was just writing along, minding my own business. 😉 Then I noticed other bloggers celebrating and realized…oops. Missed mine.

      Liked by 2 people

      • It’s easy to miss these sorts of milestones. I almost did mine, but there were a few people I knew celebrating at a similar time, so it reminded me. 🙂

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  4. 1. I have an ego the size of a large asteroid that often spells disaster to my good intentions, like trying to be modest
    2. I like any excuse to write about something and parties are ripe areas to write about
    3. I’m a sheep and I do as others do and then wonder why – bit like all those odd awards that require you to dance on pinheads and please/piss off other bloggers; I joined in for a while and then didn’t because it occurred to me it wasn’t really my bag, or my bad (is it only me who loathes ‘my bad’) or something… so now you’ve asked about anniversaries I realise the truth is…
    4. …. did I tell you about my ego with the moral rectitude of Vlad the Putin on a bad day?

    Liked by 5 people

    • 1. Asteroids often spell disaster. Or “asteroids”. Depending where you look it up. I’ve heard they do nothing good for modesty either way.
      2. Parties are, indeed, awesome places to people watch and often excellent fodder for writing.
      3. Funny you should mention pinheads, I mean awards. I’m in the process of creating a page for them since I’m pissing off bloggers left and right by ignoring their nominations. *Baa!*
      4. I sincerely hope you can detach yourself from that kind of ego like Dr. Jekyll (on a bad day, of course–one mustn’t mess with evil like that).

      Thanks for clearing all this blogging party business up. 😉

      Liked by 5 people

    • Phew! Glad I checked the other comments first..Was about to make some clutzy disparaging remark about large egos, needing to post everyday for attention and other humbugs when I remembered I’m supposed to think before I open my mouth!
      No. Seriously, you prolific people, go ahead. Shout it from the rooftops. Nobody forces me to read party posts so I can choose not to. And anyway, I’m over my unprolificness now. Nearly..

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  5. I sort of do and will continue to sort of mark the milestones (not sure how one throws a party on a blog), in this is in large due to the significant role my blog plays in my life (including its therapeutic role). When just doing some of life’s daily routines are considered a major achievement, keeping with consistently a blog day after day, interacting with other bloggers, etc. then achieving 3 months, a year, etc is a major life achievement. Of course that is just how I feel about my own blog etc etc.

    Liked by 2 people

    • That is one of the best, most awesomely spectacular reasons for celebrating your blog. If getting through the day and consistently keeping up with your blog is a major achievement, you should be damn proud of that and celebrate. Celebrate all of the things. 🙂 You’ve earned it.

      P.S. Don’t know if you were just saying this or actually wondering but there are lots of cool bloggers out there who have posts on how to throw a blog party. There are different types (give-aways, listing your favorite blogs, letting people leave links to their favorite blogs…)

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  6. I can’t believe you have been blogging for just over a year! It seems I have known you forever! But then I’ve been blogging for just over two years. Actually WP tells me the number of each post that I publish. I’m not sure how many now as I don’t take much notice. I did announce at one year, and at 100 posts I think; and I mentioned at about the two year mark when I was musing about blog habits; but I think if there’s any celebration it will be just for me. Sure makes for an easy post though. Each one could be celebrated! Hey, why do they have to be “special” numbers. Aren’t all numbers special, just like people?
    Congratulations Sarah. I’m very happy to have met you in the blogosphere. I look forward to and enjoy reading your posts be they musings on life or fiction. Each has its own wisdom to share. Thanks for being you. That’s something to celebrate! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’ve been blogging at Lemon Shark for over a year. I have that old blogspot blog (I met you there) and I have no idea how long I blogged on that thing. Not longer than a year, I’d say. (Could be wrong. See, this is what I’m talking about. Now I have to go check. I have absolutely no idea.)
      You’re right. WP does tell you. Every time I post, it notifies me of the number but I’m so quick to close it out, I don’t notice the number. I’ll look next time because I’m not sure how else to check. I’m sure there’s a way somewhere on here but whatever. I can see mentioning it (again, IF you notice) when talking about blogging. I agree. Like Eric said, he celebrates his blog every time he posts to it. 🙂 Thanks, Norah. I’m so glad I met you in the blogosphere. ❤

      Liked by 3 people

      • That’s right! I’d forgotten. I’m pleased you moved to WP. It makes it so much easier for me to keep track of you, even if I can’t keep up with the reading!
        If you look on your stats page, it will tell you your all-time information – number of posts, visitors, views etc. I don’t often look at it, but I know it’s there if I want to check. There’s a lot of interesting information on that page.
        That’s a great attitude of Eric’s.
        Likewise, always a pleasure, Sarah. We’re very S.M.A.G. (must remember to do a few S.M.A.G. tweets sometime soon).

        Liked by 1 person

      • I moved to WP at such a bad time for me (blogging-wise). But I am SO GLAD I did. Yup. I used CAPS! It was overwhelming at first but I can’t imagine using any other site now. It’s so easy to interact. Yes, for those who are slightly-tech-savvy, there is a stats page but I don’t look at it. I probably should. Okay. Yes, SMAG tweets. 🙂 I’m working on a badge page for this blog (so people don’t think I don’t appreciate their kind and considerate gestures) and your SMAG badge is on there. Just wanted you to know.


  7. I celebrated my first blogiversary mostly because my creativity was running low that day and it was as good a prompt as any. My second came and went and I hardly noticed. This isn’t to say I am not proud of my accomplishment. I promised myself I would blog a minimum of once a week and that’s what I did, but I just had more to say that particular week.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Haha! 😀 Okay, that’s a good reason. “I can’t think of anything to write about…oh, hey, look! It’s my blogiverary!” Yeah, I didn’t notice until after the year was up. But it doesn’t mean I don’t love my space here. I really kinda do.

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  8. I celebrated my 100th post. Frankly, I was relieved to have something to write about. I was plumbing the depths of what-else-can-I-write-about at the time.

    I’m okay with it either way. It’s a harmless bit of promotion. I gave away a critique. I don’t know if I’ll celebrate my blog birthday or not. I didn’t think far enough ahead to start it on a cool date or anything like that. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s great. Well, you certainly had something to write about. Okay, this is what I’m getting at. (There are so many different types of parties people host for their blog.) Promotion. So…you offered a critique of someone’s WIP? That’s cool. Yes, I’ve seen a lot of planning go into some of these parties. They’re like a wedding. 😉


  9. Happy blogaversary! And 200 posts! Awesome!

    It’s nice to see people mark their blog anniversaries or other milestones. I personally don’t do it because it’s not my thing, but I love to see others’ enthusiasm for blogging. We live in a unique time where so many people have an online voice, and that is something to celebrate. Cheers! *Clink!*

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nope, not me. Those were just examples. However, I did just pass my one year mark with no celebration whatsoever (unless you count this post about the fact that I don’t celebrate which would be delightfully ironic) so thanks. 😉

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  10. Congratulations Sarah! I always look forward to your musings on life – and this post is no exception. I like Eric’s comment, “I celebrate my blog every time I post to it… by posting to it.” – and I’ll add publishing it. That takes guts – no matter who you are. My posts are usually followed by a shared glass of wine with my hubby. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Kate. 🙂 Yes, I like Eric’s take on this, too. We celebrate our blog every time we post something on it. And, yes, hit ‘publish’. We’ve written something, hopefully done a wee bit of editing and/or polishing. Or not. Whatever. But it does take guts to put your words out there — whatever they are and whoever you are. Right on. And the glass of wine with you hubby? Really?! That’s so sweet I can’t stand it. (You’re making me want to go get some wine. I think I will…) Cheers!

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  11. Wow, you’ve only been posting a year?! Chalk up another one for generally ignoring anniversaries, blog post milestones, and awards. (Well, that last is easy, I’ve only ever “gotten” one. 😉 ) Mostly I don’t notice. Would I announce it if I did? I don’t know. Sure it’s kind of cool, but if I have other, better content… seems like that’s preferable!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Actually, I don’t know how long I’ve been posting because I had a blogspot (blogger?) blog before I switched to WP. (Is that a record for the number of times “blog” was used in one sentence?) Anyway, yes, milestones. I really didn’t notice but saw three bloggers I follow throwing parties and looked at my sidebar to see…oh. Missed it. Like you, I’ve been busy writing. I have so many ideas and thoughts and not enough time to write them all. (As for awards…be careful. I have some hanging around here and I’m not afraid to use them.) 😉

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      • Lol, yes, I should have thought before I typed! I had a LiveJournal (and before that a Diaryland!) back in the day. None of that stuff is on my current blog, but it makes for about decade of “blogging…” Heh. Oh no! No awards! *ducks* 😀

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    • Ah. Yes. Commitment. Well, if you stick with it that long (and I think you will), it’s kind of a big deal. I agree. A commitment to writing and sticking to a schedule even when you don’t feel like you have the time and you’re completely drained of energy… Oh, sorry, that’s me.


  12. Ha! Such a good question. You’re right — it’s totally weird. And yet I do it every year and will do it in a few weeks for my five years. Why?? I really don’t know! I guess I like to pause to reflect, but really, who cares other than me!?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I just wrote a post about “pausing”. So interesting you used that word. Anyway, I think a lot of people celebrate and a lot of people do care. (Congrats on your five years, by the way.) 🙂 Reflection is a wonderful reason to mark a milestone.


  13. Interesting post and comments here Sarah. I’ve never mentioned the number of posts on my blog (or at least I don’t think I have, only in passing if so, to make a point…) but I have done little posts on my last two blogging anniversaries (three years in January) as a way of thanking lovely readers who take the time to read my blog and to do a little wrap up of all I’ve learned in the year before. Whatever happens on the day really, as I never schedule a post, never have, never had a routine, just go with the flow with whatever is working at the time and what I can cope with. But I do think it’s an achievement to celebrate your blogging anniversary, so I do congratulate you because it is a wonderful achievement to stick it out here. Congratulations Sarah 🙂 I’ve never got blog parties though, never done them, don’t join in. Not a party pooper, I love a good party, to a point, people observing, enjoying a few drinks, making a hasty exit at the earliest opportunity…but not for blogging, although I’m sure it’s fun for those who do take part. Besides, we’ve got our own party going on over at Carrot Ranch and that’s just fine by me 🙂 ❤

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    • Yes, I’ve seen mentions of anniversaries. I get that. Writing that it’s been a year (or three!) if it relates to what you’re writing or if, like me, I happen to hit a year right when I’m questioning what I’m doing here. It’s a nice way to thank your readers, too. That’s one of the things I thought it might be. Thanks, Sherri. ❤ Hey, if we're invited to a party, we can stay in — hang out together with a bottle of wine and a good movie.

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  14. I don’t celebrate milestones like that, but then, I blog because I want to. I do remember when I started “blogging”. I don’t know if I can count it as such in the early days. It’ll be 5 years on the day after Thanksgiving. I didn’t get my own domain until later though. 🙂 If I just count my domain, I’m at 246 posts and a little over 3 years old…

    Liked by 1 person

    • You can count it. I think a lot of bloggers started out on other blogs with different names, different ideas, different reasons for writing… So, I know you don’t celebrate but I congratulate you anyway. ⭐ Five years is a long writing journey.


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