How Do You Like Them Apples?



Scrivener App


I was wavering, trying to decide which program to use for my writing.

So, naturally, I wrote about it, hoping readers would help. They did. That post generated quite a few comments. I learned a lot. I also made a decision to at least try Scrivener because I need the organization.


My main problem with it was that you had to download it to your laptop and leave it there. That did not work for me.

Here are some of my replies from that post:

Can you use Scrivener on different devices or only one? iPad, iPhone…?

 Awesome! And, please let [Scrivener] come out with an app. Please! *fingers crossed*

No, no, no! Say it ain’t so. This is my main issue with Scrivener. I’m a total tech floozie, too. (Nice accidental alliteration there, if I do say so myself.) I use different devices and need a program that is available on all. I can’t imagine this isn’t an issue for many writers. Why on earth hasn’t Scrivener…created an app?

Exactly. I use two different laptops plus type a lot on my phone (I know, but it’s convenient if not a bit tricky). I’m going to do the trial but this was my main problem with it. *shouts* “Fix this, Scrivener techies!”

A lot of writers had the same issue. They used more than one device (because, really, who doesn’t?) and/or wrote when they had a second between errands, taking care of kids, work, commuting, sleeping, eating…

Hang on to your hats.

If you haven’t heard, I’m delighted freaking out that Scrivener now offers an Apple app for iPads, iPhones, and any other iThing you want to use it for.

They advertise that you can “Write Anywhere”.

Thank you, Scrivener, we already do.

But now lots of us writers will buy your program to “write anywhere” with. How do you like them Apples?


Those of you who use Scrivener, are you going to get the app? Those of you who didn’t (specifically because you used different devices) are you rethinking using Scrivener?


55 thoughts on “How Do You Like Them Apples?

  1. I use Scrivener Pro on my ipad although there are teething problems regarding synching it with what you’re writing on your laptop. They are helpful with their Literature and Latte community help facility but, until they get it together to let you switch, seamlessly, from app to lap, there are issues.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Argh. Yeah, I expected some initial hiccups since it’s so new. (Love the term “teething problems”.) I do want to be able to transfer documents without much fuss so I hope they work that out. I read Dropbox is the way to go but I’m not too familiar with it. Do you use that?

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      • Yes, I have to if I synchronise my Scrivener files and that’s when it gets tricky. When you synch, the file appears in Dropbox as an .rtf, which is no use if you want to see it then on ScrivPro on your iPad. You have to make sure it’s a .scriv file so you can take it from Dropbox to your iPad. Oh, I mentioned Literature & Latte before. That’s the help service of Textilus. Sorry. You can see I’ve been round the houses with these services.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Okay. I’ve got to get more familiar with Dropbox. Thanks for the info. about the .scriv document type. Much appreciated.
        I knew Literature & Latte was the company but good to know their help center is responsive.


  2. I am still not sure that the program will work for me even with the app as I write from various platforms that are not all in the applesphere. I can see it being somewhat helpful as a notes reference, but I am not sure about anything more. At least not for my style of writing.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I do have Scrivener, but the biggest issue I have is the fact that I can’t work on the same document on multiple devices (though someone showed me a workaround involving Dropbox). Trouble is…I’m an Android gal, so until they provide support for an Android app, I’ll stick to copying and pasting via Evernote!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ah. I thought you liked Scrivener. 😉 Well they just came out with this app a few days ago so android should be next. Good news for a lot of writers. (Like me. I use every spare second I can to write so having access to my files on the go will be wonderful. Looking forward to trying Scrivener.)


  4. I don’t have Scrivener but I wouldn’t have been bothered with the apps—I’m one of those folks who only uses one device (laptop)! I don’t have a tablet and I can’t imagine writing on my smart phone. But I’m all about cloud devices. So for blog posts I stick to WordPress, but for books I’ll use Google Docs. Everything else goes into the platform I plan to write in (emails go in the email site, courses in the course site).

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow. You are organized! I can’t imagine working on one device. I’m scattered (and so is my time – kids steal it). 🙂 Phone isn’t ideal but I use it a lot while I’m waiting at appointments, lessons, practices… I have to grab time when I get it.


    • In my previous post, I mentioned how much I don’t want to give up Word. And I’m not. Completely. But I have to try Scrivener. And now that they’ve created this app to work with different devices… It’s too much for me. 😀 I have to get it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes! Exactly. That’s it. Old habits. I likened Word to a ratty, old (cherished) teddy bear. Won’t give that up. But why not use technology designed for writers? I couldn’t answer that. 😉 FYI: Scrivener has a free 30 day trial… Just saying. Happy writing!


  5. As a Windows user, this news is not good news for me, but I’m sure it is for many. Thanks for letting us know. I can feel your excitement. I look forward to hearing your thoughts about using Scrivener.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, it’s not bad news is it? I thought you were using the Scrivener trial. I use Windows, too. Hmm. I will definitely let you know what I think. Sacha, Lisa R., Charli, and a few others have raved about it for too long. 😀 I’ll have to learn Dropbox but I thought you were familiar with that. (That’s how you’d get it from your iPad to your computer.) Sounds ideal for you, actually! Let me know if you’re using your trial and what you’re using it for. Thanks, Norah.

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      • Hi Sarah, I am part-way through the Scrivener 30-day trial, but I can’t remember when I last used it. I haven’t used it for blog posts though I thought I might. I also set up some pages for ideas for Marnie’s stories, but haven’t followed up. I am writing a book for parents on helping their children read but haven’t worked on it for at least a year. I think Scrivener is good for keeping things together, particularly for longer works.
        I do use Dropbox and can access files on all my devices including iPad and phone but I think Scrivener is only accessible from my computer, but maybe that’s because I haven’t uploaded it to Dropbox. Answering your questions has made me realise just how long I have let some of my projects lapse. Thanks for the reminder. Perhaps I should reopen some of the files! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Right. Scrivener was only accessible on your computer. Now (because of this app) you can use it on both your computer AND your iPad. That’s what it’s all about. 🙂 It’s funny, your reaction to this news, because you’re one of the people I thought of when I heard about this. You use both computer and iPad. So now you can use Scrivener on your computer and also access whatever documents you’re working on from your iPad. You were limited to your computer until just a few days ago when they released this app.

        I’m glad this at least made you realize how long it’s been since you worked on your projects. Write them down on separate slips of paper, look at them, and pick up the one that makes you feel, the one you really want to write. And write! ❤


  6. I have finally succumbed to using Scrivener 🙂 I’m uploading files (from those e-mails I mentioned), and look forward to editing and playing with the material. I didn’t know there’s an app, and I’m just getting my head around the programme on the computer. But it’s a good point. Perhaps it’s worth the investment.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ha! “succumbed” to using Scrivener. Let me know how you like it. I’m just getting started and am a bit worried about the time I’ll spend learning it.
      There wasn’t an app but now there is. How about that? 🙂 It only came out about a week or two ago. I believe it’s the same program (so you wouldn’t need to get used to anything new) but it allows you to use more than one device and lets you be portable.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s a great feature, I’d definitely consider getting it. Until I read your post I didn’t even consider what would happen to my manuscript if my computer was gone (!) It’s all well to have it all in one place but then if you can’t access that computer then what? So, the question now is how do I get that app. There’s never enough time to think about these things though.

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  7. Funnily enough, when you wrote that last post, I recommended you should give it a try, but I think I admitted that I still hadn’t quite got my head around it.

    When I came to start editing my “buddy” novel (you remember that, don’t you, Sarah), I actually converted it all to Word because I’d concluded it was going to be easier. But that had nothing to do with problems using different devices because I tend to use one most of the time, and I’ve had Dropbox for a few years so it’s easy enough to access on another device in emergencies.

    It’ll be interesting to see how you get on with it, though. And I have got loads of tips on how to use it on Flipboard if you need them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I DO remember your recommendation as well as all those tips! Holy Scrivener, Batman! That page was loaded with info. So back to Word, huh? Okay, fair enough. Whatever works. I’m a bit anxious about learning this new program and I just know I won’t use all the bells and whistles but I’ve got to try it. I’ll let you know if I manage to get my head around it or if I’m banging it against the wall. (Hee…”buddy” novel. I’m having a flashback.)

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      • It’ll be interesting to see how you get on, Sarah. I haven’t given up on it just yet, and will undoubtedly use it again. It’s worth noting that the process of converting my MS to a Word document using Scrivener was very easy and the formatting was excellent. So that should give you additional reassurance that, if you don’t get on with it, you can revert very easily to Word.
        As for the flashback, hope it wasn’t a sign of PTSD…

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      • Um, yes, that IS worth noting. Thank you. You made my day with this: “It’s worth noting that the process of converting my MS to a Word document using Scrivener was very easy and the formatting was excellent.” We should tell more people.

        P.S. Check Twitter. There’s a tweet with your name on it. (Literally.)


  8. Lovely, lovely to meet you, Sarah. I was following you but not getting your blog posts to I clicked following again. I had to chuckle at this post, since the idea of my using a program for my writing is laughable. I would spend YEARS figuring out how to use it, and then would have to call my son-in-law for help every time I got stuck – often, er, always!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know. Learning to use this is what has kept me from it for so long. I’m cringing just thinking about the hours I will spend trying to figure it all out. But I am so disorganized, I have to try something. Thank you kindly for following the Lemon Shark. I don’t bite. 🙂 And it was so very lovely to meet you, too!


  9. Woot! I’m glad you found a solution that’ll work for you!

    All I have as far as Apple goes is an 80GB old school iPod, which isn’t conducive toward writing since I can’t listen to music and write at the same time. But it makes for a great dance partner!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hmm. Interesting. I can’t write with music, either. Except for one specific novel – the main character loves Janis Joplin and I listen to her while I write.

      Thanks! I really hope this works. (I’ll let you know. And might possibly bug you for help if it doesn’t.) ❤


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