Nomination & Thanks #BloggersBash


◊ Bloggers Bash 2017 is almost here! ◊


Lemon Shark was nominated in the “Best Pal” category. Apparently, I make people want to drink. With me, I mean. Have a drink with me. Which would be awesome. I’d love to sit in a pub with you and toast to, well, pretty much anything. “Here’s to kangaroos! Cheers!”


Thank you to everyone who nominated me. Truly. I’m just honored that some of you thought of me for this award. It’s nice to see my little Lemon Shark swimming with the big fish.



There are some fabulous blogs up for these awards (including some lovely ones in the category I’m in). Just saying. ❤ Congrats to all the nominees and cheers to all my best bloggy pals!