Spring Has Sprung: Vernal Equinox


One week ago, 20th of March, was the first official day of spring. The Vernal Equinox–a time of beginnings and balance.

We’re given a fresh start as the earth wakes from its winter slumber. I’m going to take full advantage of this opportunity with the support of the universe and all its energy of newness floating about.

This past week, I tried. I made lists and plans of what I wanted to do. What I needed to do. I got overwhelmed. And I’m happy to report, I used my One Word, and breathed.

I stepped back from the lists and breathed. I went for sunny walks and breathed. I went for muddy walks and breathed.

Then I found an equinox post from years ago and decided to follow this advice from myself:

I’ll sip my coffee a little slower, savoring its flavor, and watch birds gather on the still-bare branches of the tree outside my window. I’ll listen, really listen, to them chirp and sing.

I’ll go for a walk to see tiny, lime green shoots peeking through caked earth. I’ll imagine the seeds of my dreams growing with the world around me. This is the season I will bring my ideas into the open, shake them out, and dust them off.

Day and night are of equal length on the equinox, lending its balance to us mere mortals. I gave up years ago trying to attain the elusive balance. It leads to frustration. Life will always tip, sometimes just a bit, to one side or the other.

Instead, I try to be aware and adjust accordingly. From that same post, I found some advice about this:

I will take some time to look inside myself, find pockets of discontent and fill them with light. I will also acknowledge the darkness. I will refuse to tuck away the uncomfortable pieces. Because, along with the beauty of relaxation and joy, the ugliness of stress and upset is part of me. Hiding them or denying they are there is unhealthy.

In this way, I honor my whole self. This is, in essence, “finding balance”.

My random thoughts in (slightly over) 200 words.

thought bubble2

How are you, gentle readers? Do you feel like you could have more balance in your life? Are there any new projects, mindsets, or habits would you like to start?

Happy Spring! 🌿 (And, to my friends in Australia, Happy Autumn!) 



Vernal Equinox: Balance in a Time of Imbalance



I found a post from exactly one year ago and, unfortunately, I’m in a similar place. I thought this year would be different but, alas, I’m here…in this post about a day not working out the way I wanted it to.

I’m exhausted and overwhelmed. I’ve taken on too much and have fallen way behind online and in real life. Looking back at this post from last year tells me something: I need to change. I accept that.

Easier said than done, as they say. I’ve got to agree. They are right.

I’ve never liked the term “balance” because, as I’ve stated numerous times, it’s unattainable. But today is the first day of spring. The Vernal Equinox.

This is a time of balance.

On the equinox, day and night are of equal length as the sun crosses the equator. Today, we experience the same amount of darkness and light—outside and within ourselves. Take a moment to meditate, to reset. Adjust any imbalances you feel.

I wrote that just two years ago. I’m going with it. Though it seems contrary to what I’m saying here, it’s not. Adjusting imbalances is not quite the same as trying to achieve balance.

While I won’t be chasing my tail in a futile attempt to attain complete balance in my life, I will be sitting. Just that. Sitting. Breathing. That’s nice, too. And paying attention. To the things I’m neglecting that need more attention and the things I’m spending too much energy on that are draining me. I will try harder to listen to my inner self.

I found this, too:

This is a time of beginnings.

We are being offered a fresh start. Spring cleaning removes dust, dirt, and clutter from our homes. The debris that has accumulated over the cold months can be swept away, leaving an inviting space. Our external environment affects our internal one. In this way, we are helping clear our minds as well.

I needed to see that. To reread those words. To remind myself what I believe to be true. And to do something about it.


The Vernal Equinox is a time of balance and beginnings. It’s a perfect time to take stock of your life and press the reset button. It’s also a great time to start new projects or dust off an old project and breathe life back into it. Mother Nature is backing you up right now. What will you do with this gift?


Happy Spring! 🌼 (And, to my friends in Australia, Happy Autumn!)


Vernal Equinox: Spring in My Step


Today is the first day of spring. The Vernal Equinox.


Spring Equinox sprout Sarah Brentyn - sig


I had this really cool post planned. It was introspective and thought-provoking.

It was full of serious talk and thinking stuff.

Instead, I wound up with this barrel full of monkeys. Because that’s what my brain feels like.

I finally fell asleep around 4 am last night. So, I’m working on about 3+ hours of sleep. I’ll let you in on a little secret: I need eight.

Where was I?

Right. The post mentioned all the wonderful things I was going to do today.

I had plans to pause, enjoy nature, seek balance, embrace something new. Pretty much none of that happened. (Unless you consider exhaustion-induced zone-outs “pausing”.)

I will copy two lines from the post:

It is a time of beginnings.

It is a time of balance.

The Vernal Equinox is, indeed, both of those things. Spring is a time of new beginnings and the Equinox a time of balance. I wanted to embrace these.

I didn’t.

You know those days you walk into a room and forget why you went in there? Or you open the fridge seven times because you forget what you were looking for? Yes. It was one of those days—all day.

No fresh starts or balancing for me today. I ruined it.

Or did I?

Because, I used this opportunity to not do things. Such as beating myself up for not posting this morning, not reading other blogs, and not getting to my own blog comments.

Also, I didn’t get angry at myself for not living that perfect day I planned.

For me, that’s one hell of a fresh start.

As far as balance? I accepted that, along with the light, joyous pieces of me, there are dark, upsetting ones.

I’m human. I’m whole.

There’s nothing wrong with that. I’m going to just put it out there and say if you’re all sunshine and no shadows, you’re probably pretty boring. Or lying. Which might make you slightly more interesting but certainly not any more likable.

So I didn’t have a beautiful first day of spring. But I did have one more day on this earth. And I learned a few things while I was here. (One of them being that I can go a whole day without beating myself up about anything. And I’m counting that as a win.)


My Sunday thoughts in a sleep-deprived ramble of nowhere near 200 words.



What happens when you plan a day and it falls short of your expectations? Do you give up? Beat yourself up? Move on? (Or a combination?)


Happy Spring! (And, to my friends in Australia, Happy Autumn!)


Vernal Equinox: The First Day of Spring


We no longer need to hold onto the hope we embraced throughout the winter.

Spring is finally here. We excitedly listen to hear the chirping of the birds during breakfast. The kids trade their sleds for scooters, get out bikes and blow bubbles. There is still a chill in the air, but we venture out for walks on paths that were covered with snow just one week ago.

Piles of snow still remain but patches of grass are now visible. We are starting to see plants we knew were there, somewhere, beneath the frozen ground. We search for sprouts, discover tiny buds on the tips of branches, marvel at a slender blade of grass breaking through clumps of heavy earth. Birds are nesting. We crouch down to study seedlings and peek up to see hatchlings. There is new life everywhere we turn.

Hope surrounds us.

This is a time of beginnings.

We are being offered a fresh start. Spring cleaning removes dust, dirt, and clutter from our homes. The debris that has accumulated over the cold months can be swept away, leaving an inviting space. Our external environment affects our internal one. In this way, we are helping clear our minds as well.

This is a time of balance.

On the equinox, day and night are of equal length as the sun crosses the equator. Today, we experience the same amount of darkness and light—outside and within ourselves. Take a moment to meditate, to reset. Adjust any imbalances you feel.

Bring ideas out into the open. Breathe life into them. Write. Paint. Take up a sport. Begin that project you’ve been talking about for months (or years). Rejuvenate yourself. Watch the world around you grow, and allow your dreams to grow with them.


Spring Equinox sprout