Blue Sky Tag



1. If you lived in a house made of jello, what flavor would it be? Any particular reason?


I would cry. Or scream. Or both. I hate jello. It’s unnatural and wiggly and gelatinous. If I lived in a house made of sweetened slime, I’d wonder about my sanity. (More so than I already do.)


2. What is your first reaction when someone knocks on your door?




3. Does a blue sky or blue ocean make you happier? Why?


Both. Neither. I love blues skies and blue oceans but also light, puffy clouds and rolling grey ones as well as crystal, clear turquoise water and stormy seas. I love nature in all her moods.


4. If you were out enjoying a beautiful day and suddenly it started raining, what would you do?


Dance in the rain.


5. Whose name makes you smile as soon as you hear it? Care to share why?


Spike. I envision lots of funny scenes in Buffy the Vampire Slayer every time I hear his name.


6. Dog, cat, fish, or rabbit?


Human. I’m actually human. Or do you mean to eat? Because I do like sushi (sorry, Nemo). Oh, a pet? Cat.


7. What’s your favorite mode of travel?


Transporter. “Beam me up, Scotty.” Teleportation is awesome.


8. If you had to stay up all night by yourself in a deserted building, what would you spend the time doing?


Sleeping. Oh. Crap. Never mind. Is there wine? It’s my fake all-nighter so I say, yes, there’s wine. I’m going to go ahead and let you all know just how boring I am: I’d stay up reading and writing.


9. Running in the rain or running in the gym? (Even if you don’t run! ha!)


Hmm. I don’t run. Ever. I’d probably slip and fall either way so it really doesn’t matter. Though, if I’m in the gym, I’d have to be around people so…rain.


10. To stand alone on a mountain peak or dance in a crowded club?


I think I just covered that. (Psst…I’m a hermit.) Alone on a Mountain Peak might be the name of my next book…


11. Who do you write for?


Me. (And I have at least two posts about this.)


It’s been a bit since I joined in a blog hop. Thanks to Rachael Ritchey for tagging me and making me answer these questions she made up. Yes, she made them up. That’s in the rules. Yes, there are rules. I broke them. And had fun.

There’s a thing about 11 for this tag: 11 rules…no. 11 cups of coffee…hmm. Ah. 11 tags, 11 answers, 11 questions… Something like that.

For me, I’m going with this…

Consider yourself tagged.

Join in, have a bit of bloggy fun, use the awesome Blue Sky Tag banner (that Rachael designed).


Okay, if you’re going to play, here are your questions:


  1. Do you judge a book by its cover?
  2. What’s your favorite color? (Specific shade would be awesome…just saying.)
  3. Which animal is smarter: chimpanzees or dolphins? (Except if Geoff Le Pard plays because he will say “mice”.)
  4. What’s your least favorite part about writing: editing, revising, or proofreading?
  5. Are there any mythological creatures you believe are real? (Or wish they were?)
  6. Which ridiculously popular book did you not enjoy?

Do You Prefer / Which Would You Rather questions:

  1. Pen or pencil
  2. Wine or beer
  3. Bean bags or straight-back chairs
  4. A pile of proofreading or a stack of math worksheets
  5. Monty Python or Three Stooges


Tag. You’re it. Have fun, gentle readers. 🙂 Let me know if you play…I’d love to see your answers to my questions! Yup, I made up these questions just for you. You get to make up your own for the bloggers you tag. 🙂


Book Lovers Tag



First spotted this fun, little tag on Ritu Bhathal’s blog, But I Smile Anyway, then saw it on Shelley Wilson’s blog, Motivate Me.

I’m a book lover and both Ritu and Shelley invited anyone to play. So here I am. And here we go.


Do you have a specific place for reading?


I wish. Like a spot under a weeping willow or in a gorgeous garden blooming with roses or a soft window seat with sheer, billowing curtains. *sigh* No, I read in the car, in bed, while I’m walking from room to room, sitting on the couch…


Bookmarks or random pieces of paper?


I have a ginormous collection of the silliest, sweetest, loveliest, most awesome bookmarks ever. Yet…when I need to keep my place in a book (which is often as I’m constantly interrupted), I usually grab a random receipt, scrap of paper, or business card.


Can you just stop anywhere or must it be at the end of a chapter?


I can stop anywhere. Literally anywhere. Mid-paragraph. Mid-sentence. Hell, mid-word. This isn’t my preferred way to read (or, rather, stop reading) but has become that way. I used to finish chapters but, alas, times have changed. Or lack of time has changed. That said, if I’m two sentences away from the end of a chapter, I try to crawl my way to the finish line.


Do you eat or drink while reading?


Yes. I love sitting with a cup of tea or glass of wine while reading. It’s my “me” time. But that doesn’t happen very often. I’m usually reading whenever I get a spare moment so I’m chugging some water or my morning coffee before I’m on to the next thing. I don’t really eat while reading though. That would be disastrous.


Music or TV while reading?


I can barely concentrate when the neighbor is mowing his lawn so, no. No music or TV. As a matter of fact, if the kids are awake when I want to read, it’s DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time! (A.K.A. silence-in-the-house time.) Luckily, I have a book-loving family.


One book at a time or several?


Something a bit more than “several”. Always a few nonfiction/reference books plus a novel or two and some anthologies and short stories. I’m… Ooh! Shiny! *runs away*


Do you prefer to read at home or elsewhere?


Home. But I will read in my car provided there is NO ONE else there and I’m parked somewhere quiet. Never in a coffee shop or even a library because, regardless of how quiet places are supposed to be, there are always distractions.


Read out loud or silently?


Hmm. Do people read out loud? Now I’m wicked curious who reads out loud to themselves. Do you? Let me know in the comments. (Do I need to say that I read silently?) Although…now I must admit I read out loud to my children. But that’s totally different.


Do you read ahead or skip pages?


No. No! Who does this? Do you? What are these questions? I mean, if it’s a reference book, sure, but not a novel (novella, novelette, short story, whatever).


Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?


You could sell my 15-yr-old books in a bookstore they’re so new-looking. And I’m a big fan of rereading. Still…spines intact. (Except my Harry Potter series. They’re like an old, favorite stuffed animal. Worn and loved.)


Do you write in your books?


All the time. I draw and doodle and make rude comments in the margins. No! No, I don’t write in my books. That’s like… Just no. In my nonficiton/reference books, I highlight. I’m a huge highlighter. (Oh, and I will admit to trying some black-out poetry in a completely destroyed, unreadable copy of Harry Potter that was going to be thrown away and I saved. Because. Harry Potter.)


I’m going to follow suit in the nomination/tagging here and say that if you’d like to play, you’re tagged. (You should play. Just saying.)

Have fun, fellow book lovers!