My World


This year, as always, I am grateful for the big things like the fact that I have a home, food, and clean water. I am grateful for my family and my friends.

And I am grateful for the little things, like chocolate, wine, sushi, and books.

I write this the day before I hit “publish” because I had a different post planned for Thanksgiving. Something like the Yam Sham I wrote last year.

I have to post this instead.

I want to thank:

  • the woman who didn’t glare at my son when her daughter was being loud and my son cringed and covered his ears because he can’t stand loud noises
  • the hairdresser who didn’t become irritated with my son for crying because he was uncomfortable in the chair and afraid she would cut him
  • the hairdresser who didn’t embarrass my (other) son for not recognizing her because he has trouble remembering faces
  • the waitress who didn’t scoff when my son got upset about his burger arriving with a bun because he can’t eat burgers that way (she got him extra fries after taking the bun away)
  • the child at the playground who didn’t laugh at my son when he was stuck at the top of the slide because he was scared but couldn’t figure out how to climb down the ladder
  • the woman at the grocery store who noticed my son’s shifting and fidgeting and flapping and didn’t hesitate before complimenting his patience during the long wait because it’s impossible for him to stand still
  • the man in line at the post office who didn’t ignore my children when one son spelled “antidisestablishmentarianism” and started chatting about atoms and quarks while my other son gave him a detailed weather forecast for the next ten days
  • the dental hygienist who didn’t scowl at my son when he broke down because she was new and he didn’t know her
  • the woman in the waiting room who didn’t roll her eyes when she asked my son what grade he was in and he answered that he was in 2nd but taking an accelerated 5th grade math class at Stanford University because he doesn’t understand that many people think he is bragging or lying
  • the group of boys who played with my son and didn’t mock him for flapping his hands because he was excited
  • the man at Starbucks who didn’t make a big deal that my son’s birthday cookie coupon had expired because my son needed that cookie to be a “special” cookie

Strangers. I am thankful for the kindness of strangers. People who have no knowledge of who my children are or what struggles they face. This is how the world should be. And, occasionally, this is how the world is.

I am grateful.

I don’t often say this, but when it comes down to what my world is, it is this:

Walk in the Woods

My Two Boys

This is my world. And if I can believe, even for a day, that the outside world might be kinder, more compassionate, better than I think it is, I will be happy. Because I will know that my two boys might live in a place that will not crush them.

Even as I work to prepare them and help them become stronger, I am terrified of letting them go into this world. I hope that my two boys might live in a place that will show them the kindness that they show others.

These strangers have given me hope. I am grateful.


13 thoughts on “My World

  1. You know…the only thing that’s wrong about this post is the part where you call wine and sushi little things. You’re obviously consuming the wrong wine and sushi. 😉

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your boys (all three of them).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes, Thanksgiving is a sham, but my favorite one there is. It’s the food. I love the cooking, the sharing the feasting. 🙂 You grab a hold of the things in this world that you like, love or find fascinating. And you share it with those boys, those beautiful boys. Even if people are not kind or understanding, they have the most awesome mama they could ever have! Beautiful post! ❤ And Happy Yam Sham Day!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, there is something to be said for having (more than) enough to eat — for cooking and sharing. I understand why you love this holiday.

      Oh, Charli. You’ve made me cry. Thank you for this. ❤ I will try. And I appreciate your comment so very much.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: My World Revisited | Lemon Shark

  4. This is gorgeous, Sarah. Your boys are so lucky to have you as their Mum. Your patience and understanding becomes so obvious in your writing and you are indeed strengthening their independence. I love seeing the world as you see it. A place of acceptance, tolerance and kindness. The items you have listed provide us with guidance for our interactions with (all) others. Thank your for sharing. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dear Sarah, be assured that you are giving your world, your boys, all that you can and more. It is so, so hard to watch them go out into the world, a world that, yes, you hope so much, won’t ‘crush them’. But you are giving them everything they need in life – your love, care, understanding and guidance as they grow into the beautiful, caring and kind men they surely will. How can they not with a mother whose heart is as beautiful as yours? Hugs to you… ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m trying. I don’t always feel like I’m succeeding but I’m trying. I hope I am giving them what they will need. I know Geoff says not to worry about the future (and I will work on that) but I think it’s part of being a parent. I don’t remember ever worrying about the future this much before I had children.

      Thank you so much. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh Sarah…as mothers we never stop worrying and question ourselves all the time. But there does come a time when we can say, ‘Well, I did my best, I loved my children with everything I had, taught them everything I knew and gave them all I had…now it’s time for them to put it to good use.” And then we trust that they will do just that. But I can’t promise it’s easy because it isn’t. What I can say is this: I’ve found three things that help greatly – prayer, laughter and lots of wine. But you didn’t hear this from me… 😉 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m sorry (not sorry at all) to know that you fretted like this, too. It’s nice to know I’m in such good company. Argh, I don’t even want to imagine the day I have to let them go with an “I hope they can manage alright with what I gave them”. Maybe they’re too young for me to be thinking about that now. It’s that FUTURE thing again. Why must we torture ourselves? I need to work on being in the moment. (Although I’ve been saying that for years.) Well. At least I have the wine thing down. And I crack myself up so there’s that…


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