Balancing Blogging and Writing (Or not…)


Blogging and Writing -sig


There’s a blog trend happening.

Lots of people are leaving, taking a break, or slowing down—some for personal reasons, some to write.

I thought, “Huh. That’s cool. They’re writing. I could write. I’m a writer. I write things.”

And they’re announcing it. Which is nice. Unlike me. With people emailing to ask where I am. And by “people”, I mean like two. Two people. Since I’m small potatoes in the stew of the blogosphere, most probably didn’t even notice.

I haven’t so much stopped as slowed my pace. I haven’t been able to manage a balance.

I’m still blogging a bit but have relaxed my posting, not participated in some of my regular writing challenges, not been as active in reading your blogs. (Apologies.)

See, I’m working on stuff. Secret stuff.

No, it’s not secret. I’m writing. I do that sometimes. And not just on my blog.

Also, I’m stressing about life and loving life. Dealing with responsibilities and enjoying summer sunsets.

It’s all good. Writing is a thing we writers do that makes us happy. Maybe “happy” is a strong word. How about “alive”.

I’m writing, gentle readers, and sharing it with the world.

You have been warned.


My Sunday thoughts in 200 words or less.


Have you taken a blogging break/slowed down or have you kept up your usual pace? Are you working on a writing project? (If you’ve managed to balance blogging and writing, please share in the comments. Inquiring minds want to know.)


64 thoughts on “Balancing Blogging and Writing (Or not…)

  1. I understand how you feel. It can be tough to keep a blog going at times. When I first started, I wrote two long posts a week. For the last year or so I’ve written one post a week and even that has been touch on occasions. So far, though, I’ve always managed to get a post out there. 🙂

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    • I have so many ideas floating around in my head and I’m not tied down to any particular, you know, purpose or point or anything so ideas for posts are endless. But keeping it up (with visiting others and commenting and replying) does get to be a bit much while I’m trying to write something besides my blog. Which I am. And you should be, too. A collection of humorous posts? Just a thought.

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      • I’m actually thinking about having a stab at it. I know so many other bloggers who are writing or have written novels, volumes of poetry, essay collections and the like, I feel that I should at least give it a try. Goodness only knows how I’m going to schedule it, though.

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      • Oh, do give it a go! You’ll find time here and there and wherever. If you start with a compilation, it’s a matter of organizing and editing (mostly). I’m doing one with my flash/short stories. Look forward to seeing your collection. 🙂


  2. I noticed, Sarah. I’m sorry I didn’t email. It wasn’t for want of thinking about you. I knew you’d be back when you were ready. We’re all busy with lots of pots simmering on the stove. It’s difficult taking care of them all, let alone at the same time. I love reading your writing, whenever you have something to share. xo

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  3. If your small potatoes in the Blogosphere, then I must be a pea !!
    Blogging and writing I compare to the art of spinning plates. It’s very hard to let a plate slack or ease off. I only do one blog a week. Now I try to make them short and sweet because my book is my priority. But I do enjoy blogging because it’s a different kind of writing and would like to sharpen that craft. As to if anyone is reading them? I am chuffed if they are, (truly), but I see it as me gaining experience and sharpening my writing tools- so I’m a winner. I really am trying to be relaxed about the whole affair of blogging. I think it helps.

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    • I am a small potato. But I like potatoes. They’re yummy and can be eaten in so many ways…baked, french fries, scalloped, chips…hmm. A pea? Well, peas are crucial to chicken pot pies…. I think it’s lunchtime.

      Spinning plates. That’s fantastic. I love your relaxed attitude about blogging. I think that’s so important to “success”. My kind of success, anyway.

      Yup, that’s me. One short and sweet post a week. (Though I’ve even missed a few of those in the past month.) And I do enjoy blogging. As you said, it’s a different kind of writing. I love the laid-back feeling of a post.


  4. I haven’t exactly slowed down, but I have changed my attitude a bit about blogging. People who don’t blog don’t understand what sometimes becomes internal pressure to post and interact. In fact, many think it’s quite silly to blog. I don’t defend myself against that argument and I have let go of that feeling of having to post, especially when I have a lot going on in my real life. But I still feel strongly about getting something out, when I can.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love that. Changing your attitude about blogging. Not feeling that internal pressure to post something is freeing and lets you live your life without stress (at least from online). I’m all for reducing stress from blogging and social media. I know what you mean about defending yourself. I don’t even talk to people about the fact that I blog.

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  5. Ooh! So glad to hear you’re writing – and enjoying sunsets, and loving life.

    I’m afraid I have no advice for balancing life/writing/blogging. Admittedly, I can’t blog AND write something else concurrently. I’m just not wired that way.

    Please don’t worry about not doing as much blog reading. It’s summer! It’s meant to be lived outside with drippy ice cream cones and faces sticky with watermelon juice and squishy sneakers from jumping into streams.

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    • Thanks. 🙂 Clearly, I’m not wired that way either.

      I absolutely love your description of summer! “drippy ice cream cones and faces sticky with watermelon juice and squishy sneakers from jumping into streams.” 🌻🌸🌼

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  6. The last month, I’ve been on a blogging kick. Somehow, I’ve come up with something to write on my blog. But I probably need to take a break so I can focus on writing stories and so I won’t get burned out.

    Finding balance, no matter what it is we’re juggling, is hard. With everything we have demanding more attention to us, it can be hard to discern what can and can’t wait. The best we can do is take each day and plan accordingly. That’s one thing I’ve learned.

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    • Not necessarily. If you can manage both, do it. That’s fantastic. 🙂 But, yes, finding balance is difficult no matter what it is. (Personally, I can’t stand that word.) I take one day at a time, too, because I never know what is going to pop up and derail my plans.


  7. Yay! That you’re writing, that’s wonderful to hear. I’m a bit the same at the moment, trying to enjoy the summer hols plus get some writing done. I’m still managing to write posts, but don’t have nearly as much time as usual for looking at other people’s blogs.
    Hope you’re enjoying the summer too, and that life isn’t too stressful – don’t worry about the balance, we’re all happy to see you whenever you’re here 🙂

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    • Ah, that’s it, isn’t it? For some people, blogging is not our writing priority. It’s something we do and something we enjoy and, personally, I’m not likely to stop but I’m not trying to make a business out of it. And it can definitely take over if you let it.


  8. If it’s any consolation, no one’s asked where I am and I haven’t posted anything for weeks! But blogging isn’t life, it’s just a part of it. Delighted that you’re writing, Sarah, because that’s a whole lot more important.

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  9. Woot for being balanced! I’m looking forward to seeing your stuff, once you get it finished. Writing is good. I wish you many, many words on both sides of the scale, so everything remains balanced. 🙂

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  10. Pertinent post.
    Blogging is great. But the number one thing for novelists, is that writing the book or editing or short stories should always take precedent over blogging.
    Advice abounds that we should have 1bajillion social network followers, a platform, and sure its good to have one, but it still doesnt trump actual writing.
    I slowed down due to circumstance, but partially due to the weather and other ‘noise’ and I see plenty others doing the same not sure why.
    Sometimes a breather is very good from blogging, helps to keep things fresh.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Blogging IS great. But you are so right. It may not be popular to say, but I agree: “writing the book or editing or short stories should always take precedent over blogging.” And over social media, as you say.

      Right? I’ve noticed quite a few bloggers slowing down. Anyway, here’s to writing and prioritizing and keeping things fresh. 🙂

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      • I’v noticed the same. August seems to have really unleashed some gremlins, a lot of slow down in bloggers I follow. I sometimes remind myself that WP has a drop off too, bloggers who are intermittent, or cease to blog at all.
        Its easy for the lack of activity in others to have a knock on effect.

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      • I hadn’t thought of that but could very well be true. I’ve noticed the summer months tend to show a drop-off in blogging, regardless. It’s just that, this year, so many are working on writing projects instead of the usual going on holiday, summer business, kids-home-from-school, etc.

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  11. Good to know you are writing and we don’t have to look over your shoulder. 🙂 Ah, but I get the expectations. When a prolific blogger goes word silent, it can be concerning. An explanation helps! I think many blog for community and that’s appropriate. Some blog to record a journal. How strange when we take a break from journaling, we have to inform the page!

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    • Nope. No need for looking over my shoulder. I’m not getting distracted. (At least…I’m trying really hard not to.) Expectations of the blogging world. *sigh* Haha! “How strange when we take a break from journaling, we have to inform the page!” It is a bit odd but, alas, we’ve chosen a public, interactive page. 😉

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  12. Hello! It isn’t unusual for blogging to slow during the summer. Most people take vacations during the summer months. Kids are out of school. I had my youngest sister come down to Florida to visit. She stayed with me. I didn’t have much time for anything while she was down, it was beach, beach, beach. Also, as a writer our #1 priority should be writing (after family but before blogging, I think). To be honest I haven’t found that balance either. The weeks I write a lot my blogging diminishes and vice versa. If you ever find the secret to a good balance please let me know. 🙂

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  13. A couple of weeks back I took a break from Google + and Twitter because honestly, with all I’d been doing I was burned out. It’s been an intense year and now I find myself in the states and with 3 new published books and more in the works. I had to chill the f out because it takes its toll. And even now I’m doing a bunch of things at the same time. Here’s the thing, I switched creative gears but kept creating. I replaced work on the blog and my writing with videos, podcasts and a psycho Instagram feed. Eventually I’ll do a full blackout. I did announce but not because I’m hot stuff or anything. I just didn’t want 20,000 emails asking if I was OK further adding to my to do list. Everyone was super cool and my small potatoes weren’t broiled to a crisp. But I’m still pushing pretty hard, so sometime this year, I’ll go full AWOL and return after a couple of weeks. And I’ll probably have 3 more books out lol. My pace on the blog did take a huge dive for several reasons, from being burnt out, to a stalker, and the desire to do other things. But the plan is to get back full on in regards to writing. What’s the trick to balance? Always enjoy what you’re doing and if something is stressing you out, stop. Don’t apologize. Don’t notify. Just stop.

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    • That’s a helluva lot of stuff going on. No wonder you slowed/stopped. I think we all need a break from blogging and social media sometimes. Most of us, anyway. I like that you view it as switching creative gears. I really do. Because that’s partly what I’m doing, too. And I love your philosophy on just enjoying what you’re doing. Without apology. 🙂

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