Appreciating Fragmented Beauty


Pink Clouds -sig


There’s still good in the world.


I see warm breezes

Hear growing grass

Smell blue skies

Feel songs of sparrows


Things are not right.

My world is out of alignment. Nothing is as it should be.

It’s difficult to find peace in turmoil, to appreciate the beauty around you when it’s fragmented by ugliness.

The world is broken.

People amaze me, after all these years, with their ability to be unkind. With all the ways they have perfected their unkindness.


I will not let this sink me.

Even if the good arrives a bit mixed-up, I will continue to take it in.

Because it is still there.

I have to believe it is still there.


My Sunday thoughts in 200 words or less.



Do you ever wonder if there is any good left in this world? Are you able to find beauty and goodness around you in the midst of a difficult situation?